Thursday, November 11, 2010

Exploring we will go

I backed up, shuffling backwards and keeping low. They didn't look to be looking in my direction, more so arguing with themselves, but I was not going to take nay chances. So I stayed low and never kept my eyes off the group, which is harder than it looks for someone as clumsy as me. Microsuley I made it without incident until I could no loner see them and moved behind a tree that could have hidden ten of me behind it. Although it was slowly going I kept lower to the ground and moved from tree to tree, feeling somewhat like an idiot until I made it to the ship.

“Your late.” Was the only thing he growled when I returned

“There are.. aliens looking for you.” Might as well go ahead and get it out in one go.


“There are a group of aliens after you. They where the ones that attacked us.”


“A little past the creek”

“What did they look like?”

“Like big alligators?”

“Like what?”

“Like big... lizards. I tried, earning me an irritated huff.

“never mind, I'll look myself. Say Here!” He commanded and without waiting for an answer he was gone. I moved to the entrance of the ship and waited. I hated waiting. Tober was not the only one with little patience My foot was on the top step when he return walking at a brisk pace.

'”We need to leave now.” He hissed. I made my way down the rest of steps.

'Who are they?” I asked.

“What do they want?” I added.

“They want us.” Actually, they want you. I thought They had no idea I was with him.

“Who..” I tried to say, but he cut me off.

“We need to leave now.” he turned and made his way around the ship, headed in the direct opposite of the creek without so much as a look back. I watched for a moment and then reluctantly took off after him. I could have tried striking off my own. Probably could have made it. Would I have lasted though? I had no food, no nothing. I did not know this planet and what sort of creatures it contained. If they where friendly or... not. If I wanted to make it, I needed to stick with Tober.

After about two hours I was panting and out of breath. My legs where aching. Tober had not stopped or slowed even once, just kept on at a pace I had to nearly jog to match. We past tree after tree and seem a number of unusual plants, but I had not been able to give them more than a passing glance. I heard things... sounds. Animal like sounds, but had seen nothing. I also kept thinking I saw things out of the corner of my eyes. . A movement here, and another there but when I looked I would see nothing

“I need to rest.” I said in between breaths of air.

“No.” He answered and kept going. I struggled after him, but after about twenty more minutes I just had to rest.

“I”m resting!” I called out and leaned back against the trunk of a tree. I didn't care if he stopped at this point. Let him keep going like the Energizer bunny. Much to my surprise he stopped or halted to to more precies. He came to an abrupt stop about twenty yards away. I suppressed a groan, getting ready for the bitching began. Something sounded alright, but it was not Tober.

Instead it was a slurping sound, like the sound of someone slurping up soup and loudly. I cringed at the noise. I hated food sounds. Made me want to jam a knife in my ears and puncture my ear drums. This sound was much louder than someone slurping, or at least someone like a human slurping. He moved back toward me in slow even steps.

“What is..” I started to ask but was quickly shushed. I looked in the direction of the sound as it grew louder causing me to jam both hands against my ears., Finally the creature making the sounds stepped into view. It was large about the size of a horse, but a lot lower to the ground. It was a dark brown in color. It walked on four stumpy legs and and thin tail drug limply behind it. The body was square like and reminded me of a tank and it was hairless It had a snout like nose and every so often a long silver tongue would slip between bore like tusks that looked to be three feet in length and curved. It was what was responsible for the horrible slurping sound. It shambled forward slowly, showing no signs that it so it.

I held my breath as it drew nearer. Something tickled the back of my neck and I brushed it away without looking. The ticking continued however, now going around the front of my neck I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders and when I looked there was a large worm like creature wrapped half way around my neck, its head on my shoulders. It was red in color and about as big around as my arm and about three feet long. There where black legs, hundreds of them about as thick as my finger and twice as long. The mouth opened and closed reveling needle like yellow looking teeth. I let out a startled shriek before I could think to stop it and jerked away from the tree. It held to my shoulder and I danced in a circle trying to dislodge it.

I felt something grip my arm and it was Tober. With his other hand he snatched off the creature and flung it away. I watched it said through the air and land with a satisfying plump a couple of yards from the fake soup slurping creature. Well... I wasn't good at coming up with the name son the spot.

Tober's grip on my arm increased and she shoved me hard against the trunk of the tree.

“You fragging idiot, you trying to get noticed?” He hissed, eyes down to pinpoints. I scowled

“It startled me.” I admitted. I couldn't help being basket case. Blame.... brain chemistry. He kept me pinned against the tree as if not trusting me, but I did not object, just turned my attention to the FSSC and was startled to see it making it's way toward us. Uh, oh.

It had just about walked past the centipede like creature when it suddenly wriggled and its snout like head whipped around and the tongue wrapped around the body. There was that horrible slurping sound, followed by an even more horrible crunching sound as it bit off the head. I watched strangely fascinated as it continued eating the worm finishing it within a matter of seconds. When it was done it moved its head to the left and right before rambling on. I held my breath as it moved within a few feet of us and slowly let it out as it walked past. When it had drawn out of sight Tober finally released me.

“What...was that?' I asked.

“A Murluker. It relies heavily on sight and sound, which is why keeping quiet and not moving is best.” He explained.

“Good to know.” I whispered not wanting to raise my voice

“and the other... thing?”

“I don't know a lot of the native life forms here. There are only a few on record from surveys that have been done.” So, in other words he had no clue.

“Now let's go.” and yet again he was off. Did he ever rest?

“Wait, we are going to need somewhere to rest. At least me.” I protested, but followed behind him nonetheless. There where safety in numbers

“We have to put as much distance between ourselves and the Glorkians.” He said without looking back.


“The aliens after us.” So he knew who they where then

“You know them them then?” I asked confirming my thoughts.

“Yes.” There was a lot of emotion in his voice. Anger and others I could not indenify

“Then who are they and why are they after you?” I wasn't usually this nosy. Or at least this prying, but I felt I had a right seeing as how they had attacked us. Tober said nothing just increased his pace even more. Any attempt at asking again would result in him to move even faster until I had to run to keep up with him.

“OK. OK... I'll shut up.” I relented. It was obvious he knew something, but he was not going to talk about it. He said nothing but slowed his pace. It was growing darker. Not that you could tell by the sky, but the shadows under the canopy grew darker and soon I was stumbling over my own feet.. That also had something to do with my exhaustion however, although the dips and holes in the ground did not help.

Finally I just could not go on any loner and after I stumbled over a vine I let myself fall to my knees and did not get up

“I am done.” I exclaimed. The ground felt soft enough to fall asleep on and I was half tempted to do just that. Tober finally relented, although he did not try and hide his annoyance.

“Fine, we will rest for a while.”

“Thank you.” I gushed and fell back onto the ground.

“I would not lay there if I where you” He warned.


“Because all manner of unpleasant creatures live down there, including the one crawling up your shoulder. I followed his gaze to see a a small red round creature with a number of white quills sticking up all over its lumpy body. I whimpered and plucked at my sleeve and it fell off and onto the ground.

I quickly scrambled to my feet and watched it crawl across the ground,

“A better suggestion would be a tree, at least if you do not want the flesh picked from your bones when you sleep.” With that pleasant t thought running trough my mind, I looked around for a tree that would be my bed for the night. I found one nearby. The wood was a midnight black and color and smooth and the leaves where a light yellow almost white in color. It was big though, boarding on enormous and had plenty of low hanging limbs. After squatting behind the tree for a quick bathroom break I quickly climbed about twenty five feet high where and settled on a branch that four feet around in middle and big enough where I shouldn't roll off in the middle of the night.

I could have gone even higher as the tree went up hundred of feet and had no fear of heights, but I was tired and besides, if I needed to use the bathroom it was to much of a hassle to climb back down. I looked down at Tober who stood at the base of the tree

“What about you?” I asked

“I can look after myself.” He replied sharply Fine then I thought I was hungry and thirsty, but the thought of climbing back down and then going in search of food and water was to much. Instead a miracle happened. No, I did not find myself back home on earth, but I fell asleep in under half an hour, a new record for me.

Even more was I manged to sleep through the night! Or at least I assumed I had for when I woke up it was lighter. I had still yet to see the sky and for all I knew it could have some giant being turning on and off a lights witch with a dimmer switch. I looked down from my perch to see if there where any creatures like the Bloodsuckers about and only seeing Tober made my way down from the tree. It took me longer than it would have usually as I felt weak and a little dizzy. I realized it likely had to the fact that I had nothing to eat in over 24 hours. A faster I was not and gluttonous was thy name. I was use to three square meals a day with one or two snacks. When I reached the ground I stood for a moment with a hand resting against the trunk of a tree as I got my land legs back.

Tober approached and thrust a stick with om sort of creature skewered on the end. It was blackened and about the size of a lobster and still smoking.

“Eat this!” He demanded.

“Can't have you dying on me.” The last comment was a mixture of impatience and sarcasm.

“Err..what is it?” I asked curiously.

“Food.” Well, that told me a lot. Still, weird or not I was hungry and my stomach grumbled loudly just looking at it. I picked at a leg with my thumb and forefinger and winced slightly as it detached itself. I took a small tentative bite and then quickly crammed the rest in my mouth, barely chewing before I swallowed. It tasted like heaven. There was strong hint of something fishy, but there was a spicy flavor as well. The outer layer was crunchy but the meat inside was soft and tender. I quickly finished the rest of the creature or what I could eat anyhow. I found that the head and tail of the animal where inedible like shrimp, although not for lack of trying.

When I was finished I was tempted to lick the stick like I used to lick the cake batter off of a spoon but resisted. I felt better now, stronger.

“That was great. Thank you.” Tober just frowned in response

“Let's get moving.” He said. I made a face at his back but followed. I kept the stick however. It was about three feet long and had a sharp pointy end. It could prove to be weapon if need be. At least if I didn't trip and skewer myself that is.

The next few hours passed with us on the move and not much happening for which I was very great full. I saw some strange sights. A featherless bird, a creature with one foot that croaked like a frog and and tree with large purple pods the size of bowling bowls. Thankfully everything seemed content to leave us be. Tober always stayed a couple of yards ahead of me and I was fine at that. At least hew as going slow enough where I could keep up with him with a brisk walk. If anything he was getting me a shape.

The journey came to a stand still however when we came across a large river several yards across. The water was moving, but not fast. I couldn't tell how deep it went and I was not keep on finding out. I could swim, but not well I was thirsty however and since it was moving water then it was safe to drink and I bent down to scoop it several mouthfuls. Another strike against swimming across, it was ice cold despite the heavy humidity and heat.

Another strike and possibly the biggest was there was something very large in the river. It surfaced a couple of feet from where I was and I wouldn't have noticed I had not looked up. I could see two strange white looking eyes sticking up from the surface. I could tell they where eyes because they blinked. Nothing else could be seen, but the water rippled out from the area and I quickly stood and backed away to where Tober was still standing and hot not moved

I could not help but grin at seeing how uneasy he looked.

“Don't like water?” I teased and his hands drew into fists.

“No, not large quantities of it.” He admitted, never taking his eyes from the river.

“So what now?” I asked. I highly doubted there was boat lying about and swimming was out of the question.

“The Glorikans are bound to be on our trail. We have to find a way across and soon.” Easier said then done I thought and then suddenly it hit me. His wings! He could use his wings to fly across. Hell, he could have used his wings to fly instead of walk. Of course I would be stuck on the ground, but they where after him and not me.

“can't you fly?” I suggested.

“No.” He said simply. I waited for a further explanation and upon not getting one sighed.

“How come?” I asked. It took him a moment but he finally responded and actually looked at me when he did.

“To much humidity in the air. My wings will not work if they aren't.” I nodded not knowing what to say and an awkward silence lapped between us.

“I am going to look down the river a way to see if there is a way to cross.” I said finally to break it up.

“I'll walk up river then. We meet back in 10 clicks” and once more he was gone. I guess he trusted me. Or maybe he had simply grown tired of me and this was his chance on ditching me. Whatever the reason I was still going to do what I had said I was. I would figure out what to do when we met back if he did not show up.

I made my way down river at a slower pace, since Tober was not there to chase after. I saw the shadow of a large creature just below the surface of the water and my hand around my stick instinct clamped tighter. I hoped whatever it was was stuck to the water or that it did not have an appetite for human flesh. Thankfully that was the only sign of life I saw, I did find something that could help us get across. An enormous tree had fallen over the river. It could act as a makeshift bridge.

“Can't I lead for once? I did find it after all.” I knew I was whining, but I did not care. I wanted to take control for once. He made a face, but slowed allowing me to pass by . I resisted the urge to fling my arms in the air and yell victory.

I managed to find the tree with no problem and scrambled on top without waiting for Tober for a change. This log was wide enough where I could walk;k across and not sit on my ass ans scuttle across because I feared I would lose my balance and fall off. I glanced down at Tober to see he was still on the ground.

“Do you need help?” I offered. That earned me a nasty look and he made his way on top of the log. I could tell he struggled with it. His stilt like legs seemed to have trouble finding purchase and I was afraid he was going to slip a time or two but he made it.

“Move!” I felt the little compassion I had him slip away and without answering began to make my way across the log. Until about half way across everything was going hunky dory. I had not slipped once and neither had Tober. Then I heard a splash coming from behind us. We both turned to see a large ripple of water but no sign of what made it. I took that as a sign to pick up the pace.

I had only managed two steps however when I felt something slam into the log. I crouched low and thrust my arms out for balance and thankfully kept it. Tober was not so fortunate and one leg slipped off the log entirely and likely would have gone all the way in had I not grabbed hold of him

We looked at each other and Tober seemed as if he wanted to say something until the creature from hell suddenly launched itself from the water and onto the log not ten feet behind Tober. It was white and look liked an over sized an albino crocodile on steroids. It crawled forward faster than it should have been able to, power jaws snapping at air. I yanked Tober after me and took of for the others side of the river not bothering to be cautious. I could not afford to be cautious. I made it to the other side and lapt head long off the log. The ground was soft and broke my fall and I quickly scrambled to my feet grabbing the stick up as I did.

Tober had not had fired as well as I had. He had fallen half way on the log and half way off. The gator was quickly advancing and I realized that I had a decision to make. I could safe my own hide and run or I could go back and attempt to help Tober and possibly have my hide eaten. I knew I couldn't live with myself If I run and knew if I stood here any longer the fear would get a hold of me and would freeze me in place.

I sprang forward and up the log screaming the whole while. I was not screaming words, just what I hoped sounded like a warrior cry. I don't know why really. Maybe I hoped to startle the gator. I saw things where worse than I thought once I got up on the log. The gator had one of Tober's stilt like legs in his mouth and was in the process of dragging him off the log and into the river below. I froze for half a second stick gripped in hand. He slid further down the rock

Don't think, Do! My brain screamed. I dropped the stick on the log grabbed tober's arms with both of mine and pulled in a twisted game of tug of war. I found myself nearly pulled off my feet when gator creature yanked back and gained two feet. I wasn't strong enough. Letting go of Tober I picked up sphere stick and jammed the pointy in end the creatures snout. It bounced off like it was rubber. I thrust down again with as much force as I could muster and although it still bounced off it was enough to gain the creature's attention and it opened his mouth, taking the pressure of Tober's leg. Dropping the stick I yanked on Tober and finally pulled him out of the jaws of the creature. We where not out of the woods yet. We needed to get off the log and put some distance between us and the river, preferably miles.

I was surprised to see Tober get to his feet, but did not have time to think about it and he gave me a shove forward and yet aging we where on the run. This time we both made it off the off the log and ran and kept running until the river was far out of sight. I finally turned back to see Tober lagging behind me and moving stiff legged and I slowed and made my way back toward him.

“Are you OK?” Stupid question, but I could not think of anything else to ask. He grimaced

“What the frag does it look like?” Well, he looked great actually. I don't know many people that would have been been able to get up and run with something large gnawing away on their leg. One of the benefits of being a Cyborg I supposed. I looked down and saw his leg was still attached, although I could see teeth marks imbedded in the metal.

“Does it hurt?” I asked. I had never met a cyborg before. I did not know if they could feel pain or what. Did the legs worked like prosthetic ones that humans got? I knew very little about them either though.

“More sore than anything.”

“Do you want some help walking?” I asked feeling awkward.

“No. I can make it.” Stubborn idiot I thought, but let him stumble along behind me. I lead for an hour and then two and finally decided to say we should rest for the evening, or afternoon or whenever it was. More so for so for Tober's sake then mine as I knew he would never come out right and say it

“We should rest. I mean.. I am, uh... tired.” I looked back at Tober

“Fine.” Was his only comment, but he looked relived to me.

“What was that... thing you cooked for me last time?” I asked out of curiosity and because I was growing hungry. Maybe I could go hunt one or something

“An anthrolapod.”

“Where can I find one of them?”

'Well, there is one right over there.” He said with a nod of his head toward the roots of tree where one of the creatures was crawling under a twisted root

“How do..” What I had been about to say was how do I catch it, but before I can ask Tober had picked up a rock and hurled it at the scurrying creature striking it dead center. I made my way over and peered down. It looked dead. I nudged it with my sneaker. Still looked dead especially with the large gash in the head. I bent down and picked it up by its tail.

I guess the next order of business would be making a fire so I could cook it. That would be easier with matches however or sunlight. Everything looked to green to start a fire with around here.

“bring it here.” Tober commanded and I made my way back to find him already whittling away at the end of a stick with screw like nails. He took it from me without asking and shoved the midsection through the point. Holding the stick in one hand he began to stare hard at the creature. A minute went by and then two and still he glared eyes never leaving his target

I heard a sizzling sound coming from the animal and leaned in closer. It began to smoke and then it suddenly caught fire causing me to jerked backwards in surprise. Tober was already blowing it off and soon the fire was put out. The outer skin was darkened and crisp as before though. He thrust the stick to me and it was a moment before I took it.

So the rumors where true then, he could actually cook someone from the inside out.

“Thu, thanks.” I answered and took an involuntary step back from him.

“Don't worry I'm not going to cook you.” He said as if reading my mind.

'”Your screaming would grate on my nerves.” He added and nother half step was taken back. There was the hint of a smile again. Instead of answering I got to work on eating the Ano... whatever it was. It was just as good as the last time.

I guess it was time to look for a tree to crash in. That was something that I never thought that I would do. Unless it was a tree house of course. That had been a secret and likely would never be fulfilled ambition. To build a tree house way out high and live there. It would be a good way to avoid zombies at least.

I had picked out a good Canaanite and was about to start climbing when Tober walked over.

“Thanks.” He said simply. I turned away from the tree to look at him. Was he actually paying me a compliment?

“For what?”

“For sav, helping me back there. You could have just left me.” I shrugged my shoulders

“I'm not that kind of person.” I admitted, feeling awkward again and looked down at the roots of the tree. I wondered if he would have done the same for me. Maybe. Probably not. Who cared? It was done and over with.

“well... thanks.” He added and with that he turned and walked away. I watched him for a moment before turning back to climb the tree. Yet again I got about twenty feet up, but unlike last time did not go to sleep right away. If there was one good thing about being shot out of the sky and then trying to avoid bad guys it was that it took your mind of things. Such as the world coming to a end and it being my fault. How's that for a mood buster? There was no glass half full scenario Unless you consider that some wing nuts actually would like for the world to end. They where, ya know... crazy though. As much as I could have the woe is me emo to the extreme moments I did not wish to kill everyone.

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