Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chapter 4

The next day, err... rounbaout I was woken with a hard kick to my side, I woke with a start to find a Steriod Head bent over me.

“Get up!” He snarled.

“...why?” I asked irritably still not fully awake and annoyed at having been kicked.

“Because I told you to, that's why. “ Came the reply through a snarl full of teeth I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead sat up trying to get myself full awake. I looked over at Jink to find her still asleep, lucky her.

“Let's go!” he snapped, when I failed to stand up on time. I gritted my teeth together and stood, following him out into the hall.

“Where are we going?” I asked. None of other prisoners where out. In fact most still seemed to be asleep in their cells.

“Shut it!” He growled and I jabbed my middle finger at his back. We ended up in a small room that contained only a small platform, like the one I had seen in Medi's office There where two other Steroid Heads waiting when we arrived.. Suddenly I didn't like the looks of things.

“Get on the table.” The one who had brought me commanded. Instead of obeying I eyed the table and the other guards wearyingly.

“Didn't you hear me?” I said to get on the table!” Still I failed to move any closer and in fact took a step back toward the door. Every instinct I had was screaming at me to get out of the room.

“I guess you need a little help then.” He nodded and the other two rushed forward.. I fought and struggled as hard as I could, but less than a minute had gone by before they had me pinned down on the table. One of them held my arms down and the other my legs. The more I struggled though the tighter they held.

“What... What are uou... what are you going to, to do?” I couldn't keep the stutter or fear out out of my voice and I hated myself for it

“Brand you of course.” Calm the calm, almost cheerful response.

“It is required for all prisoners. Let's others know what you are.” So do fingerprints I thought to myself. .

I could move my neck enough to see that he had selected a small device from his belt. It looked like a a blue ink pen, except I had feeling it contained something more harmful than a little ink. I felt a hand on the back of my head and then felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck. It burned and stung at the same time and hurt like hell. My face was pressed into platform to prevent me from making any more noise. Unfortunately it also made it hard to breath and let me tell you, struggling to get enough air while trying to endure a searing pain on the back of your neck was not a good combination.

It seemed to go on and to pass the time I tried to think of Elements from the Periodic table of elements. ... Aluminum, Sodium, umm..... fucking hell that ain't hurt! Aluminum.... Aluminum... Dammit I know I knew more elements then that.

Aluminum.. Alu... Oh, screw it. I gave up and instead just clenched my teeth together and screwed my eyes shut.

Finally I felt the hand that had been holding me down release and me and I sucked in self mouthfuls of air sounding just like a heavy set woman having walked from her car to the McDonald's Counter. No, that wasn't right. She would just go through the drive through.

I felt the other two let go off my arms and legs and I sat up shakingly. I couldn't help but glare at the Steroid Head who had branded me. I didn't think I had ever disliked someone as much as I did at this moment. In fact it felt more like downright hatred and it wasn't something I felt often. Sure, there had been jerks in my life, but no one that seemed to derive a sadastic like pleasure from my pain. I felt my fingers curl into fists almost involuntary and my teeth clenched together so hard I was afriad they would crack.

Did you enjoy that?”

Fuck you.” The words where out of my mouth before I could stop them and part of me wasn't the least bit sorry I had said them. The steriod head frowned, looking more puzzled then angry, although I could see the anger there as well. I realized that he likely had no idea what I had said as the insult was human breed and human breed.

'What?” There was a warning behind that question, to not to push any further to back down. I remembered some of the slang that Jink had told me the other day. Usually I back away from anything that might lead to the slightest hint of an altercation. Usually I wasn't branded, Usually I wasn't stuck in jail cell and taken forcefully from my home. I looked him square in his reptilian like eyes.

'Frag you.” It was one of the dumbest things I think that I ever could have done. I never had any self control though.

Do you know what happens when a fist the size of a dinner plate is driven in a face smaller than a dinner plate? A whole lot of hurt... and getting knocked off the platform. There was a kick into my stomach almost as soon as I hit the floor, driving all the air out of me. I wheezed like an ashmatic and curled into ball. It felt like my nose was broken. It felt like my face was broken. My glasses had fallen off in the scuffle and for one horfying minute I was afraid they had gotten broke. I was near blind without them. It appeared as I had some luck on my side however as I spotted them only a foot away from my fallen self and quickly put them on, letting out a long breath of relieved air when I saw they where in tact

“Do you have anything else to say?” Said a voice above me. I uncurled myself and looked up to see my main tourmeneter above me.

“I said, do you have anything to say?” His foot was drew back as if he meant to kick me and I forced my protesting body into a siting position. You would think after so much pain I would have starting growing use to it. Nope. I still wanted to cry like a baby.

“No.” I managed to get out weakly, unable to meet his gaze again.

“I'm sorry, but I didn't hear you.” I felt my jaw clench again.

“No.” I repatriated a little louder, looking at my shoes now.

“Good. Now if you don't mind getting up, I am ready to escort you back to your cell.” I forced myself to stand, although my entire body seemed to protest. I followed behind him and on this trip kept my mouth shut.

Before we could get back to my new home however, we ran into Medi. When he saw me he actually grinned at least until he saw my face.

“What happened to you?” I could hear concern in his voice, something I hadn't heard in a long, long time.

“She, uhh... fell.” Came the reply and Steroid head glared my way as if daring me to argue.

“Yes, I am sure she did.” Replied Meid with a glare of his own.

“I need to have the wounds checked out.”

“She doesn't need any looking after What she needs is to be taken back to her cell.”

“I am the head medic here and I jurisdiction over a patient if they are injured and I saw she needs to come with me!”

Steroid head growled but relented.

“Fine, but I have to come with you.”

“So glad I get the pleasure of your company.” The sarcasm was hard to miss and I grinned. Medi seemed to have the effect on me. I love how he showed no fear whatsoever over the Steroid Heads

He asked me a couple of questions about my stay on the way to his office. How's the food? You been sleeping at night? It almost like he was asking me about a vacation rather then a stay in a prison.

When we got to his office, which was as crowded as ever he yet again directed me to the table at the back. He fussed over me , cleaning the blood from the clothes and myself

When we got to his office, which was as crowded as ever he yet again directed me to the table at the back. He fussed over me , cleaning the blood from the clothes and myself

“Thankfully the nose is not broken, it will just be inredicly sore for a few days. Not much I can do about that, but let it heal on its on.”

“There is something I can d about your eyes?”

My eyes?” I echoed.

“Yes. I assume you where the apprentice your eyes to help you, ahh.... see better?”

“Err... yes. I can't see crap without them.”

“I believe I can rid you of the devices if you want.”

'Really? I asked unable to keep the hope out of my voice. I had always wanted to ditch my glasses. I gad tried contacts however and never even could get them in. There has also been lassik, but it was expensive and I was always worried about something going wrong and winding up blind. Being blind was one of my biggest fears in life.

“Yes it is a real simple procedure. No more than a few Clicks at best.

“How does it work?” I asked a mixture of nerves and excitement.

“All I need to do is direct a fine laser at your eyes.”

“Uhhh..” I stammered, suddenly having second thoughts.

“Its nothing really, been done lots of time and all of those success.” He took my hand in his and gave it a squeeze.


“You sure?” I nodded. I trusted him. Although I had only talked with him once before, I trusted the man with my life.

“Well, just lay back here and we shall began.” I swallowed and laid back, taking off my glasses and placing them besides me.

Less then ten minutes later he had finished. It likely would have been sooner had I not close my eyes the first few attempts. After the fifth attempt I had finally left my eyes open long enough for the procedure.

My vision was incredibly blurry, but Medi said that was common and it would only been a few minutes or a few Clicks before it started to clear. I just prayed he was right. I kept hold of his hand the entire time, likely gripping hard enough to bruise.

I blinked and suddenly and noticibly change. Things had gotten less blurry. Still far from great, but it made me feel better. With each blink and second things got better and more clear. Soon I realized that I could see better than I had ever been able to before. It felt great. Lasik supre carged I thought

“Well..” Medi said notching a change in my denmour.

“How is it?”

“It's great!” I gushed and did something I hardly ever did. I hugged Medi. I hardly ever hugged anyone. Not even my own parents. It wasn't that I didn't love them, just that I was overly sensitive to things like touch. It made me feel uncomfortable.

“See, what did I tell you? Nothing to it!”

“I don't know how to thank....” I said be he waved it off with a shake of his hand.

“Really, it was nothing. I was just glad I could help out.” I was about to reply again when Steroid help suddenly interrupted.

“You done? I”ve wasted enough time here.” We shared an annoyed look, before Medi replied in his usual way..

“Yea, hold your Fragging Burrows.”

“I do hope we are able to meet under better circumstanced at least one.” He said as he turned back to me.

“Me to.” I said by way of goodbye.

I pocketed my glasses, unable to throw them out. It felt odd not to have them on.

“What happened to your face.” Jink said by way of greeting when I was returned to our cell.

“I got my my eye fixed.” I stated proudly

'No, I mean your jaw. It looks like someone took a swing at it, and your nose looks crocked.

“I didn't exactly agree to be branded.” I said with a scowl.

“I figured that was where you where when I woke up and weren't here. That or they had decided to jettison you in space as way of execution” She grinned.

What exactly did they brand me with?” I asked decdinng not to take the bait.

“A laser. They burn it into your skin.”

“What do they... burn exactly.”

It is just something that identifies you as a prisoner and your number.”


“Every prisoner is assigned a number. It tells you things like your crime and how long you are in for. “

She turned and let me see the back of her neck. There where about a dozen strange symbols running across the back of her neck in the form of burn marks. They make it so that you can never escape your crime. It made me feel like we where produce in a grocery store and it was our bard code. Human girl on sale in isle six, two for one deal.

“Oh, and you fnnaly get to look like one of us.” Jink said after a few moments of silence.

“Huh?” I said, already lost in thought. She rolled her eyes and getsured toward a pile of clothes on the bench I had failed to notice when I came in. They looked just like the ones the other prsioners wore. There was also a pair of bright red slip on like shoes.

I touched the pants and found the matreial was coarse and rough, just like the shirt. The shoes felt more like a soft plastic with a harder bottom.

“You gonna gawk or put them on?”

“In here?” I asked. Wasn't there somewhere more private? I was a bit modest about getting undressed with an audience. I had taken gym class one year in school, but had never gotten sweaty enough to shower.

“No space you Nyiat.”

“I don't give a fragg what you look like.'” She added but I still hesitated. I wasn't use to chnaging in front of others.

“Better do it now before the guards make you do it in front of them.” She added. If I had a choice between her and those bastard guards then she would be my choice. I glanced down at the clothes once more before headed to the far back of our cell to change and I kept my back to the wall.

It was new world record for me and I was out of my old clothes and into my new ones in under a minute. I had kept things on like my bra, socks and underwear however. I hated the way of the fabric felt agaisnt me and kept picking at it evrey second. It was was scartchy and itchy and I already wished I could take it off.

“I can't wait until you have to take a cleansing.” jink said at my discomfert at chnaging. Cleasning? I thought, but before could ask the doors opened yet again.

“Go eat.” A guard grumbled.

My stomach rumbled at the mention of food. It had been a while since I had eaten. I loved food and usually couldn't go a few hours without easing something. A cookie, a grape, something. I always fretted about when we would eat and at and breakfast wouldn't even be through, before I was worrying about lunch. It was a wonder I wasn't as big as blimp. All my emotions and the look what was offered had delayed my appetite however. I was starting to feel a little dehydrated however

I sat with Jink this time. You seemed to get left alone more if you sat in a group safety and numbers and all. I decided to try what looked like over sized peas. I took a small bite and was pleasantly surprised by what I tasted. It was a mix between a peach and a orange. I quickly finished the rest and then moved onto the black jello like liquid. I picked up a spoon like utensil and tried to gather up a small amount only to have it fall between the prongs.

“You're suppose to drink it Nyiat.” Replied Jink with an amused smirk. I blushed slightly and put down the spork. I picked up the cup and tentative took a sip. It was... interesting. Like a bubbly mix between grape juice and apple juice. It wasn't my favorite combination but I drank it down none the less, to thirsty to care about taste.

The last thing left was the cockroach like creature that always seemed to be on the menu. I was more tentative to try that. I still hungry however and I tried a small, almost minuscule nimble.. It tasted oddly enough, like burnt fried shrimp.

Jink must have witnessed the whole ordeal because she suddenly commented.

That's a crux. It is something found in the intestinal tract of a species of alien called the Colbats. They grow until they big enough where they precede to induce a bowel movement in their host and force their way out. At that point they are considered mature and are then harvested for consumption. They are considered a fine delicacy and are high in nutrition”noticed my hesitation before I took my first bite because she explained

The nausea had started when she had first mentioned the word intestinal tract and had gown stronger with each word. I looked around desperately for a bin of sorts, my hand going to cover my mouth. I didn't want to upcuck in front of my fellow prisoners.

Upon noticing my revolution she laughed.

“You gotta learn to stop trusting people so much. This is prison after all.”

'Whhhut?' I managed to moan, while keeping down today's lunch..

'It just a creature they harvest from the oceans.” I felt my nausea suddenly lessen and I swallowed, feeling a little better. I couldn't help but glare over at her however. She just grinned in response. Although the nausea had passed. I was no longer in the mood to finish the rest of my meal and pushed it away.

Afterward lunch we where let into the open area that Tober had led me though on our way to my cell. I made my way over to a bench and sat down. I watched a group of prisoners playing something with a glowing red ball the size of a softball. It would deflect off of their hands or pinchers or whatever they used and shoot off in the other direction. The goal seemed to be to get it through a hoop like device mounted on the wall. Like basketball, I thought. A futuristic game.

After about ten minutes my attention waned on the game and I glanced around the room for something else to occupy me. When my eyes settled on Tober who was watching from the other side of the room, I felt my entire body tense up.

“What I wouldn't do to slug him one.” I thought to myself out loud

'I wouldn't make him angry.” I jumped when I heard a voice to my right reply to my thought. I glanced over to see an alien with more legs then a spider.

“He can cause the internal temperatures in someone to rise, until they burst into flames.” He added

'He can... what?!” He had to be yanking my chain, like Jink had been. I mean.... I looked over at Tober who was conversing with a guard. He suddenly looked over and meet my gaze and I flinched, picturing those glacier like eyes slowly causing my insides to start cooking. Ironically enough, I shivered.

“Supposedly had a family before this. Life mate, offspring, the whole deal. I heard they where killed by a gang of criminals and they left him for dead after torching his house. Why he's got the body.”

“You mean it is not his real body?”

“No Niyat, he's a halver.'


He sighed.

“'Half of his body was replaced by machines.

Oh, like a cyborg.” He frowned at me and I sighed.

“never mind.”

I looked again at Tober. Could it be true? Could have really have had children at one point in his life? From what little I had seen of him he sure didn't seem like the fatherly type. Of course, that could have something to do with having his kids killed.

When I return to the cell I found my old clothes to be gone and asked Jink about it.

“Probably flammed em they where so fragging Bluik.' She responded Bluik, I had learned was something that meant ugly or undesirable. I frowned at her and she just grinned. A little while later a gurad showed up, a female one this time.

“Cleansing time.” She grumbled and oepned the door. Cleansing? What was that?

'What..” I tried to ask Jink as we followed behind, but the guard turned around before I could finish.

“shut it!' She snapped and I followed the rest t of the way in nervous anticipation. We went into a side room just before we got to the cafeteria. It was a long room that was divided in small cubicle like spaces. There where already others in there ahead of us and they where already changing out of their uniform. Most of the voices sounded female I realized. Thank god for that. Some had already stripped down and I blushed looking down at my feet. No way I could do this here.

A cleansing must be like a shower. When I just stood there the guard glared at me. Thankfully Jink guided me away from her and down the end of the room to an empty stall. I kept my head down and stared at my feet the entire way

“Just strip down and press the blue button.” She grunted.

“but...” I asked, but she had already left. I looked around and saw a blue button about the size of a sliver dollar about five feet on the wall opposite. I eyed it nervously wondering what it did. I decided to press it and then get out of the way. A bluish foam suddenly shot down from the ceiling, followed by a thin sheet of water that lasted a full minute. The foam felt like well.. foam, although the water was ice cold. That was followed by fans blowing up hot air from the floor in vents I had not noticed before. The shower of the future. I mused.

It had been two days since I had; had my last shower and I realized that I was beginning to smell. So I decided to buck it up and get undressed. The foam was tingling and clung to my body until the ice cold water washed it away. I shivered, but the warm air from the floor made me feel better. It was actually sort of... nice.

A week went by and was pretty much uneventful, which was the greatest thing that I could have asked for in a place like this. I learned more about who was who. Like the jackass who had picked a fight with me was Zyrat. He was in for the assassination of a number of people. It figured the one individual I managed to piss off would be the one good at killing others.

I made friends, or maybe allies would be a better term. It was funny how it took prison for me to interact with others. You sort of had to though. It was either that or go mad from loneliness. Jink was the person I got to know best of all, likely because we where stuck together for the vast majority of the time. You could either try and get along or you didn't and drove each other to the brink of insanity. I was growing use to her sense of humor and personality and even beginning to like it.

I thought about home a lot. Especially at night when Jink had gone to sleep. I wondered what was going on back home. How my mom was coping. I had been going for over a week. It would have been like I had vanished without a trace, which I had. I missed home. Hell, I was twenty five and still live there, it was the only place that I knew. I missed my temperamental bitch that was my cat.

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