Wednesday, November 3, 2010

An Apology.

I would like to apologize to my fellow human beings , all six plus billion of you. Some have said that the world was likely to end at the end of 2012. I just may have very well ended it sooner. Or rather I may very well have ended you sooner. The world would go on as it is, just minus, well... us.

Look on the bright side though, no more global warming. That should make you die hard go Greeners happy at least.

Before I go on with the benefits of having every human eliminated however, I need to tell you a few more things. First off, aliens exist, a helluva of a lot of them in fact. Secondly, they have been visiting earth for a good number of years. So to all the crackpots you thought where crazy because they said that little green men where out there, they weren't. Except for those few who said they have been anally probed, they likely just have a very weird sexually fetish.

Let me start back at the beginning however and how I got you, and myself into this whole mess.

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