Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chapter 1.


I was just about asleep when I remembered about the chickens. I had forgotten to latch the gate. Yes, chickens. We have about a dozen, as well as ducks, guineas, horses, cats, dogs, a rabbit, a tarantula, and a bird. Not really a farm, but close enough. One of the benefits when living way out in the sticks. That and if we ever had a zombie invasion, we wouldn't have anything to worry about. We had guns to shoot the few neighbors that did become the undead and plenty of animals to eat.

I got out of bed slipped on some shoes. Ughs. Or whatever it was they where called. The rubber shoes everyone seemed to love or hate. I never understood the problem people had with the shoes. Shoes where just shoes to me. Fashion wasn't forte. As long as it didn't have an odor, it was good to wear as far as I was concerned.

I didn't bother with a flashlight. I was to lazy to look, and besides the dark had never really bothered me. Now driving was another matter entirely, but even as a kid I had never really needed a night light.

I made sure the top latch on the door was open before I stepped out on our porch. I had a bad tendency of locking myself out.

I couldn't help but glance up towards the sky as I walked. There was little moonlight out and hardly any clouds, so I could see a number of stars. That was another benefit of country living. I wasn't very educated on what was what, and likely couldn't point out anything besides the big dipper, but I was still fascinated with the night sky. I had even had various telescopes, which I unfortunately was to stupid to work them and now where designated to my closet.

About half way there I spotted a shooting star streak across the night sky. I stopped where I was for a moment and closed my eyes tight and made a wish. Childish perhaps, but I was childish myself. It didn't take but a few more seconds to reach the pen. All chickens looked accounted for.

I latched the fence and then turned to make my way back to the house. Or would have had there not been a floating mini van not five feet away. I let out a shriek loud enough to wake the dead, or at least all the chickens. I stumbled back a few steps until my back was pressed against the chicken pen.

I startle easily. To easily really. Someone could sneeze and I would jump a foot in the air. So having a vehicle appear out of nowhere was enough to put me in full fledged freak out mode. It was a... a... I didn't really know what it was. It was about the s size of a mini van, but that was where the similarity ended Minivans didn't hoover four feet off the ground for one. It was egged shaped and had no wheels for another, or windows for that matter. It was dark green, almost black in color and it seemed to shimmer, almost as if shadows where passing over it There where... wings on either side of it. There a number of lights that circled around the chip. They emitted a strange blue light that light up the area well enough to see several yards, even into the woods.

Words flashed through my mind in rapid succession. UFO. Spaceship Aliens. Abduction.

I closed my eyes and then opened them. Still there. Tried a second time and a third. It didn't go away. I could feel my breath start to come out in short gasps. My heart thudded in my ears. I was going to have a damn panic attack if I didn't damn down. I was closet to tears. Did I mention I panic easily?

Something was wrong with me. I had more than my share of problems, but hallucinating was not one of them Or maybe I was dreaming. That was it! It had to be. I just needed a way to wake myself up. Oddly enough I had the strange habit of being able to do just that in dreams I could will myself awake if I tried hard enough.

Wake up! I told myself. Wake up! Wakeupwakeupwakeup! It wasn't working. Wake the fuck up you moron! Nope, insults dodn't help either. Maybe if I pinched myself or something. I dug my fingernail into the palm of hand. Nothing. I was still outside and there was still a fucking UFO in front of me, only know my hand hurt. It couldn't be real though, could it? I mean if aliens existed, why in the hell would they chose to visit the middle of nowhere and me of all eople. A better choice would have been the president.

A sound made me jerk as if electrocuted. It sounded like air being let out of a tire. I looked around for the source and saw that it was coming from the craft Something was happening to it. It was opening! Two half's of the ship where slowly sliding away from the other, like the automated doors you see in just about every store. A foot. Now two. Three. Four!

My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest and take flight. I believe I even whimpered. I was just glad that I had gone to the bathroom beforehand. I needed to move. Part of me was tempted to get inside the pen with the chickens and hide. Yet I couldn't move. I didn't know what it was. Fear, curiosity, both maybe, but I could not look away, much less move.

It had finally stopped at about six feet. Steps where extended, steps that seemed to hoover in mid air. They where small, flat, round, and and black The curiosity in me to draw closer was nearly overwhelming. Thankfully the fear that froze me to the spot was just as strong.

I could hear a clicking sound now. It was coming from inside of the ship and whatever it was, was drawing closer. Now I could see a shadow moving toward the exit. The only semi coherent thought that was going threw my head now was saying the lord's name in vain over and over in my head.

I couldn't move a muscle. I was about to experience mankind's first ever encounter with alien life. At least as far as I knew. Who knew what the government was hiding.

Suddenly it came into view I knew my mouth had to be near my chin. I must l have looked like a bug eyed, mouth gaping moron, but I couldn't help it.

It stood close to six feet tall if not taller. Although it was bipedal and walked upright like a human, that was one of the only things we had in common. Its legs looked to be made of a drak metal. It was as if it where walking on stilts, except for the legs where the silts. The wings where the second thing I noticed, Two on each side. They looked just like a dragon flyts. They where transparent and a lime green in color. Its upper part looked more like we did, but the skin was a brownish yellow and there was patch work of metal plates over the body. The hands where black and metal like, the fingers looked more like like metal claws. The face was similar to ours in that it had the correct amount of fetaures and in the right place. It had no nose though just slits and the eyes where small round and completely blue. A light glacial blue thats seemed better suited fr a machine or robot. In one hand it clutched a small dark red device no bigger than the palm of its hand

“Yhuak Kwamaia Kootie yui Num!” Or at least that was what it sounded like to me. It didn't look happy. In fact, it looked downright pissed. Its light blue eyes drew to pinpoints and it scowled as it jabbed the device in my direction, which looked all to much like a gun More alien gibberish. It stepped down from the ship to the ramp below. , weapon still pointed at me.

OK, enough of being an idiot, I needed to get away. Whatever it was, did not look friendly. Not to mention the whole gun pointing at me. Although for all I knew it could have been so some of alien.... communicator device. It began to make its way down the ramp, still gibbering and still pointing.

Finally I found I could slide one foot along the ground and the another. My eyes never left the alien and my back was still pressed against the pen. When it finally took its first step on to earth soil however the spell was finally broken and I could move.

I started toward the house which was good hundred yards away. I didn't want to lead it toward the house where my mother was sleeping, but I saw little choice. It was to dark for the woods and I would end up breaking my neck not five steps in. Besides, we had guns, lost of them. It was a fairly open area from the coup to the house with only the garden and garden shed to get in the way.

“YORKA!” It roared and charged after me. I picked up speed , not bothering to look where I was going and thankfully found no holes to twist my ankle. I had never been more thankful that we had cleared the area of trees and planted grass. I was only a few feet away from my mother's garden shed when something hit me from behind. It was a strange orange light that seemed to envelope me for a moment before dissipating like a fog or a mist.

I topped over, hitting the ground hard and on my stomach. I tried to push myself to my feet and found that I couldn't. My hands refused to move, as did my arms. I tried my legs, nothing. I couldn't move anything. I felt as if I where disconnected from my body. Paralyzed! From my neck down, I was paralyzed. I found I could still blink and open my mouth, but that was it. Tears where already starting to spill and I could feel myself muttering the lord's name in vain out loud now. I was beyond being terrified. I just wanted to wake up and for this to be over.

Since I could only move my neck and I was sprawled out on my stomach there was very little I could see except for what was in front of me, which was the light green painted wall of the garden shed I could hear the alien drawing closer now, still muttering to himself. Something suddenly gripped the back of my shirt and lifted me up. I screamed, but there was nothing else I could have done. I felt myself being drug forward, my useless legs trailing behind me. It was taking me toward the ship. I was going to be abducted.

I hated not being able to do anything. I wanted to be braver do demand some sort of explanation, but my mouth didn't seem to work any better than the rest of me did. All I could manage was a half whimper have moaning sound. I was letting the fear overtake over. I was sniveling, crying coward and I hated myself for it.

I didn't take long to reach the craft and he was no to gently about dragging me up the ramp. I felt myself thrown to the floor of the ship as if I where no more then a sack of potatoes. I still couldn't move and wondered if I ever would be be able to again Since there was little else I could so I set myself out to seeing what I could of the ship. It would have jumped if I could have when I realized that the floor of the ship was see though. I could see the ground underneath me. It was the oddest sensation, it was as if I where floating . I craned my neck around and saw nearly the entire ship was the same way. It was like being inclosed in a glass ball, or rather an egg. There where other things as well. A seat of some sorts I believe and some other equipment.

I could hear and see the stilt like legs of the alien clicking around the ship. That sound was already growing old.

'Whu... Whu” I tried, determined to say something.

“What are you doing with me?” I finally managed to get out My voice was shakier than I would have liked and barley above a whisper. No to mention it was very much likely he had no idea what I was saying, but it made me feel better to get the words out at least.

I was rewarded with a sharp kick at my side. I grunted. Apparently it wanted me to shut up. No problem. I was somewhat of a pushover, the somewhat being a gigantic understatement. I got an upset stomach if my order was wrong at restaurant at the though of having to say something to the waiter and usually just kept quiet. I hardly ever opened my mouth around people I didn't know, let alone hostile people I didn't know.

It walked past me and sat down in what I had correctly identified as a seat. I could hear more sounds, clicking, taping and other sounds I couldn't identify. A humming sound suddenly started up and I felt the ship vibrate.

Oh god, please don't let us be leaving earth I prayed.. I couldn't. Not that I had very much of a choice, but I didn't want to go into space, not against my will anyway. The ship suddenly lurched up, making me shriek again.

“Yik yak!” Sounded the alien once more. Shut up more than likely. Asshole I thought, but clamped my jaw shut. Hopefully reading minds was not a skill it possessed. From my sprawled out position on the spaceship floor I got a great view of the ground as it started to rise below me.

Soon I was above the the chicken coop and then the tree line. I could see both our house and the barn. Then the lights from the neighbor's came into view was we drew even higher. Any other time I would have been enthralled at the view. Heights had never bothered me and it had been dream of mine to see our land from above. This was not one of them. God knows what it wanted from me or if I would ever get back home again. Leaving on a spaceship, don't know when I'll be back again I thought dully, managing a weak grin.

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