Thursday, November 18, 2010


“You must be the alien that Flintlock told us about and the one that ruined our ship.” I flinched at the voice and my hand inched forward toward the weapon I had set down. Why hadn't I held onto it? How the hell had I not realized that someone had shuck up on me?

“You go for it and you lose that hand.” As a warning a shot was blasted so close that I felt dirt and derby rain down on me. I jerked my hand back against my chest and kept it flat against it. I could feel my heart starting up even through the thick fabric

“Now get up.” The voice growled. I moved slowly to my feet, doing my best not to make any sudden movements in case the owner of the voice had an itchy trigger finger. The egg ended up slipping out from my sleeve and rolled under the bush and I was thankful that he did not notice. I just left it where it was along with the skull I had been given, which was under the same bush. He did pick up the gun however and pressed a button I had missed underneath it. It retreated back to its small size and was pocketed.

Apparently I did not move fast enough as before I could get all the way up, I felt a hand grab hold of the back of my shirt and lift me roughly to my feet. I was given a hard shove in the small of my back and I stumbled forward, but stayed upright.

“Move” He added unnecessary.

“I am.” I snapped back, hands drawing into fists as I walked forward Could nobody let me go at my own damn pace? There was another shove, a much harder one than before and this time I did fall down. I landed hard on my hands and knees, wincing where the sharp edge of a rock cut into my palm. Note to self, keep your mouth shut.

Again I did not move fast enough to his liking and again I was manhandled to my feet and given another push toward the group of Five and Tober still standing around the ship.

“Found it.” The alien who had me growled, although by now the others had turned to watch our arrival. Nearly every face was hostile with some, like one eyed looked downright murderous. He had a patch over one eye that looked as if had been torn from someone's shirt.

It was funny what sort of emotions would arise during times of stress, but I couldn't help but be slightly amused at the patch. My lips curved upward before I could help then and I ducked my head down hoping nobody would see. Of course they did.

“You find something about us amusing?” The one next to one eye asked..

“No, uh..” I sputtered.

“That's how our species shows fear.” I settled on and inwardly winced at how incredibly stupid it sounded. I forced myself to grin even wider however, and made a sound halfway between a laugh and a loud intake of air. I had not meant to do the last bit, but as I mentioned before, pressure and me does not mix. I knew I was sweating bullets already.

“and this is how we show gratitude when someone destroys our mode of transportation.” He growled and the swung his fist forward. I had tried to duck away, but was unable to move fast enough to avoid it. Instead of the front of my face however like he had been aiming he struck the left side below my eye and I went down like a sack of potatoes. My entire head seemed to throb and even lightly touching the side of the face with my hand was enough to send a wave of agony through me.

I laid where I was, halfway between a sitting and laying position, not wanting to get up. I was rethinking what a mistake it as to quit karate when I was four. Thankfully none of them demanded that I get up.

“I oughta kill you now for the trouble that you have caused us.” He pointed his gun down at me, clawed finger resting on the trigger. I just stared back at him, doing my bets not to show how frightened I really was. There was not a thing that I could have done if he wanted to kill me. A little more pressure on the trigger and I would be dead just like the river monster I had killed. It was humbling and terrifying and made me realized that I did not want to die. I couldn't if I ever hoped to save Earth

I set my jaw, determined not to start crying and was rewarded with a searing pain that shot through it. I hope that did not mean it was broke. At least it would keep my silent and less likely to get punched or kicked or shoved.

“but I think I want Fozthuk to meet who single handlely destroyed his favorite warship So you will become his second gift, along with Tob over there.” He said with a jerk of his head toward the hooded and bound figure who had yet to say a word. Great. I had spent a whole two days a free woman. Why had I tried coming back again? Right...something about wanting to do the right thing. Having a conscious sucked sometimes.

“Flinlock, Mamayaima, watch the the two drukis, while the rest of us find something to eat.” Mama mia looked as that was the last thing he wanted to do, while Flint or one eyed just glared at me.

Flint made his way over to me and directed a kick to my side. It wasn't hard, more enough to draw my attention it seemed.

“What the frag are you anyhow?” I sighed and was amazed at how just that little movement was

enough to make my jaw hurt. Please, don't be broken I prayed. Please.

There was another kick, a harder one at my side.

“I asked you a question. What the frag kind of alien are you?” I looked as if I where going going to have to answer.

“A... human.” I answered doing my best to move my jaw as little as possible. Even so it was incredibly sore.

“A what?” It figured he would be hard of hearing.

“A.. human.” I managed a little louder, drawing my hands into lose fists. Not out of anger, but out of pain.

He snorted but said nothing else. I turned to look over at Tober who was a silent as ever and felt the need to say something, but what. I was not a good conversation starter in the best of times.

“how.... are... you.. doing?” I finally manged having to pause in between each word to rest my jaw. At first he did not answer and I wondered if he even heard me.

“How the frag do you think?” Finally came the reply. So much for trying to start a conversation with him. Instead I forced myself into a sitting position, but made no move to get to my feet. I did not see the point if we where not going anywhere. I looked over to see One Eye still glaring daggers at me, or rather dagger since he only had the one eye and all.

When he saw me staring, he began to make his way toward me, his narrowed yellow eyes never leaving my face I pushed away when he knelt down besides me, but he grabbed hold of my jaw. I winced and he squeezed even harder, bringing fresh tears of pain to my eyes. He forced my face close to his so that his breath washed over me when he spoke and I had to fight the urge not to vomit. I smelled like decomposing bodies.

“I may not be be able to kill you, but nothing was said about injuring you.” The fingers squeezed around my jaw harder and I was unable to stop myself from letting out a whimper of pain. I struggled harder than ever not to cry.

His other hand moved up to my face and one clawed finger was pressed just below my left eye. He dug his nail in hard enough to draw blood and I gridded my teeth together, ignoring the pain that it caused.

“Do you know how much it hurts to have something sharp puncture your eye?” He asked and the finger pressed even harder into the skin. I was crying now but silently, and I was determined not to whimper again or make any sound.

“Well..” he started and then was abruptly cut off as he was wrenched off of me violently. I scuttled backwards and looked up to see that Tober had somehow broken free of his bounds and had grabbed hold of One Eye. He had him now, doing his best to drag him backwards.

Mam suddenly appeared however and easily wrenched Tober away from One Eye and gave him a hard enough shove that he fell Before he could get up Mamma removed what looked like a long silver pen from his pocket and jammed it down into Tober's side. Blue sparks emitted from the device and Tober gave a violent shudder before going stiff and unmoving. I watched, waiting for a sign of life, but nothing happened and the the seconds seemed to stretch on for an enetrnty. Was he dead? I wondered.

One Eye had finally risen to his feet and gave Tober a viscous kick to his side.

“Stop!” I screamed out, ignoring the pain it brought to my jaw. One Eye turned to me but before he could say anything a voice interrupted.

“What the frag is going on around here?!” The others had come back

“He attacked Flintlock. Manged to break free of his bounds. I had to subdue him.” Growled Mama, casting a glare at what I now took to be their leader.

“well.. try not to damage them any more than you have to. Fozthuk would frail us alive if he died before he could see him.”

“Fozthunk don't even know about her!” Objected One Eye who had gone back to glaring at me again

“and you know how gets when you don't OK things without asking. So she stays alive until them” One Eyed continued to glare at me but said nothing.

“We got food.” He added and tossed what looked like a black pillow sack looking sack to One Eye, who easily caught it with one hand. I realized with a start that the case was moving. No, something inside the sack was moving. One Eye plunged an arm down in the sack blindly and when the arm returned he had a small fury creature in the hand. It was a bright red in color and reminded me of an overly fat rat, but with a bushier tali, like a squirrels. The animal wriggled madly in his grasp and made a high pitch EEEEE ing sound.

Oh, please don't tell me was going to eat it alive. I looked away, unable to watch as a wave of nausea crept up on me. While I may have been fine with things already dead, alive and kicking was another matter.

Apparently he caught sight of my revolution, because had made his way over to me, creature still in hand. I tried to turn my head, but he once more gripped my jaw with his free hand and forced me to look at him. I attempted to pull away, but the fingers just tightened to the point where it was less painful to remain as still as possible.

“You got a problem with what we eat?” He taunted and brought the creatures closer so that its tail brushed up against my face in its frenzied struggle.

“Well, I can fix that.” and with that he chomped down hard on the poor creature's head. I heard the sickening sound of bones snapping and and awful crunching sound and I finally closed my eyes unable to watch anymore. I could hear everything though. The snapping and crunching as he bit into the and sounds he made when he chewed. Something wet and sticky fell against my face and I felt myself gag horribly and had I eaten anything that day, I likely would have lost it. As it was, One Eye shoved me backwards when it happened, not wanting to get puked on apparently.

I fell back hard and when I looked up I saw him still looming over me. Something dark and red clung to to his chin and his forked tongue came out and lapped it up. Again, I fought back the urge to gag ad he grinned at my revulsion. I felt something land on my chest and it was a part of leg from the creature. I brushed it away and scuttled backwards which only further amused him..

“Thought you might be a little hungry.” He said in a tone of mock sincerity. I turned away from him to look at Tober who still lay unmoving. He had saved me I realized. He had stopped One Eye, from blinding me. I wondered what had made him do it though. He did not seem particularly fond of me, so why go out and risk his own neck?

Whatever the reason I was regretful however and made my way over to him. I gently shook his shoulder, but he did not respond. I shook a little harder this time. They had said he was just subdued. Unconscious more than likely or whatever it was cyborgs got. I did not have the heart to give him a kick like the last time however.

“C'mon, wake up.” I mumbled but neither my pleas or my shaking did anything. It seemed to bring amusement to my captors however.

'How sweet.” One of them mocked and I did not give him the satisfaction of looking back. I just brought my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them as I watched Tober. More comments where thrown my way but I never once looked up. Time passed, I don't know how long, but I heard him moan suddenly.

My head jerked up from where it had bee resting on my knees and went to Tober who groaned again. I watched as slowly came back to life. Moving first his legs and then the rest of him. Yet when he tried to push himself up he groaned and fell back down. I reached out and gripped hold of one of his arms and used it to help lift him.

'I can..” He groaned and tried to pull away, but it was a weak attempt.

“No you can't.” I shot back and kept my hold on him as I finally got him into a sitting position. . I kept my hand on him afraid if I let go he would fall back over. Finally however he tugged his arm free from my grip and I let him. He remained sitting fortunately, although he had to press both palms into the surface of the ground to do so.

“I guess it would be stupid of me to ask how you feel?” I said and managed a weak grin. I don't know if he gave me one back or not because of the mask. I bet he was sick of the damn thing by now. I knew if I had been unable to see what was going on around me, it would have driven me mad I reached forward to take it off, when one of my captors gripped my hand before I could.

“I don't think so.” He hissed. I tried to tug my hand free and he just gripped even harder

“Why don't you just take it off. He knows who you are anyhow.” I asked and this brought a wave a of cruel laughter through the group

“Don't you know what he can do now?” One of them asked.

“He can cook you from the inside out.” He finished before I had a chance to try and guess.

“This sucker.” He said and, rapped his other hand against the metal.

“prevents that.” he finished and then kicked at Tober's side.

“Isn't that right, Tobs?” Tober aid nothing, although his hands did draw into fists. He gave my hand another hard squeeze and then let go. Another came to bind Tober's arms behind his back once more. Thankfully we where left alone for the rest of the day. Or rather we where not bothered . We where always, always under watch buy at least two of them who kept their weapons trained on us

I was surprised at how bored I became once the initial fear of being a captive wore off. Tober was even less of a conversationalist then me so most of us the day was kept in silence. I kept myself entertained by listening in on the conversations I learned what everyone's name was at least.

The leader was called Shazerk and the others where Zintank, Hershik and Yamert. Or at least that was what they sounded like. I was sure that I would likely forgotten then within the next day. I was horrible with names. I drew patterns in the dirt with my finger. First just random patterns and then a cat and a turtle, a smiley face. Then I scrawled out the words I was bored in block letters.

When I got sick of that I picked up all the rocks I could and flung them at a nearby tree. I missed more than I hit. When I ran out of things to throw, I went back to scrawling in the dirt. I wrote out insults and then pointed arrows the direction of my captors for who the insult was meant. What did have to fear, after all? They could not read English. Plus it helped to pass the time.

One of them, Thankful or Hershik scowled down at the message that read. I am a dilly weed. It did not mean that they would not become curious by it however.

“What the frag is that?” He asked, or rather demanded.

“just scribbles.” I said and avoided looking up at him in the eye and hoped he would buy it. He kicked at the message and erased it, as he did with the rest of my drawings and writing, taking care to aim most of the dirt on me.

“Well, don't.” He growled and then left. The day dragged on slowly into the afternoon and then the evening. I was both hungry and thirsty but I was loath to admit that to them. Not that they would have given me anything to eat anyhow. I had already asked to use the bathroom and then was watched the entire time.

I really needed some water though. It had been yesterday evening when I had last had something to drink. My lips where already chapped.

“Can I get something to drink?” I finally asked one of them when they walked by, making sure it was not One Eye. I think it was Thankful He scowled down at me and then walked away without a word. Well, so much for that.

About half an hour later he returned with a silver cup and thrust it at me so hard some of the water slopped over and spilled. I eagerly drank it down, great full for how cool it was. He glared at me the entire time and yanked the cup away from before I had taken the last sip however.

“Thanks.” I said but he just scowled and walked away.

Night fell, although I doubted I would be able to get to sleep. Tober's warning about what lived in the forest floor was more than enough to make me weary of laying down. Still as the hours passed by I grew more and more bleary eyed and figured it would not hurt to stretch out just for a minute. I had gotten cramped sitting in the same place and they still would not let me get up and walk around.

Before I knew it I was woken with a hard jab to my side. I grunted and thrashed around, kicking wildly stiff half asleep and wondering what had attacked me. I glanced up to see one of them looming above me and I figured that I had been kicked

“Oh, I am sorry. Where you asleep?” The voice was full of sarcasm and I recognized it as One Eye. I grounded my teeth together and said nothing, just turned away from him.

I managed to fall asleep twice more and twice more I was kicked awake less than a minute or so afterward. I finally gave up as it was obvious that he was not going to let me have any peace at all. Sleep deprivation was a form of torture I remembered.

I ended up turning to Tober who still sat sat besides me. I realized I had not yet thanked him for saving me from One eye earlier

“Tober?” I asked. Hoping he was not asleep. That is if he ever slept at all.

“What?” Came the gruff response. I swallowed before continuing.

“I just wanted to say thanks... for earlier today.” For a long while he did not answer and I thought that he wasn't going to and then he finally responded nonchalantly.

'It was nothing.”

“Ye..” I had started to say, yes it was it was when One Eye suddenly growled at me before I could finish.

Shut it!” I scowled at him, but said nothing and the rest of the night passed by in silence. Or as silent as you could get in a jungle full of nocturnal animals.

Morning finally arrived again after the longest night of my life and the others woke up.

I was actually given food this time. The same kind of purple fruit I had eaten with Pat. I noticed however that someone had picked the mushiest and moldiest fruit they could find and most of it had to be tossed away. I ate what I could however. It managed to curb some of my thirst and hunger at least.

I was hoping for an uneventful day or to at least be ignored an for a while my wish was granted. Then One Eye decided to pay me another visit. He folded his arms across his chest and glared down at me.

So what the frag happened to your face?” He asked. My face, I thought, what was wrong with it? I had no idea what I looked liked at my current state. Dirty and pale more than likely.. and bruised. He must have seen my puzzled expression, because he grunted.

That mark on the side of your face. It wasn't there the first time I saw you.” He had meant the tattoo Pat had given me, I realized. Funny how that had already slipped from my mind.

Makes you look even uglier than you already did.” I did not rise to the bait of the insult, instead I swirled the index finger of my right hand in the dirt in small in small spirals. Like hell if I was going to tell him about Pat and his tribe.

I asked you a question.” He prompted and I moved onto drawing figure 8s. Go away, I thought, just go away and leave me alone. Mind control was nother skill I did not possess.

You going to answer it?” He asked giving me a chance for an easy way our, or easier. I didn't want to answer him though. What the hell did he care anyhow? He didn't I realized, it was just a play about dominance and submissiveness.

Alright then.” He continued and bent down besides me. This time I did not flinch away from him and even meet his gaze with my own. He took something out of his pocket. It was the silver pen device that had been used on Tober. The one that had knocked him out and caused blue sparks to emit. I had no idea what it did. But I knew it was not pleasant.

He pressed the end into the side of my neck.

I'll ask you again, where did you get that mark?” This was a battle of wills I was not going to be able to win. Yet I loathed to give it to him.

There was humming noise all of a sudden that reminded me of a Bee and then my body went rigid and stiff and I fell over backwards. I realized that I was unable to move, but it was not like being paralyzed. I remembered the times I had gotten shocked because I touched something metal and there was static in the air. This was a hundred times worse than this. It felt like being stabbed and burned at the same and seemed to go on and on. I wanted to die at that moment it hurt so bad.

It seemed like forever before I became gradually aware of my surroundings again. I was laying on my side and curled up in a ball. There was something wet trailing down my chin and it took a moment to realized I had been drooling. I felt disoriented and dazed and not all together there and everything felt weak and limp. I had been crying I realized. Still was in fact

What the fuck had that been? Was that what it was like to be tased? Someone was talking above me and it was struggle to put a name a voice. One Eye I finally realized. I had not heard a thing he had said to me however..

I said are you ready to answer?” he asked again. He was still crouched over me, the silver device held in front of him and ready to use. I shrank away from it and him. I could move again, my feet, my hands, my head.

He moved it toward me again, until it rested against my neck once more. I couldn't take that again. Now now. Not ever.

Wu.. wait.” I manged to get out and I hated myself for it.

'What?” He asked, although I knew he more than likely heard me

I'll... tell.” I did not have to tell the truth I realized. I could make something up, but what? I was not good at coming up with things on the spot. Thankfully before we could there was an interruption.

So where's the Nyiat who destroyed my ship?” Roared a voice, making us both jump. Flyntlock. The cavalierly had arrived it appeared. To be it was for the other side

One Eye looked positivity livid to have our session of fun interrupted I however let out a relieved breath of air. As less time as he got to spend with me, the better. He stood up and moved to greet Flyntlock who was approaching us and looking as peeved as he did on the ship's screen. I noticed that he walked with a limp and his left leg drug uselessly and lifelessly behind him. I remembered something the others had said earlier, that Tober had crippled him.

One Eyed stepped up to greet him, but he brushed right past him and made his way toward me. I could not hep but grin. He had gotten burned..

Get up.” He demanded and my smile faded instantly. Best not to let the bad guys think you are amused by them. They tended to treat you better when you where properly terrified as I had learned earlier with a punch to the jaw.

It was still sore to move, but I forced myself to my feet. These aliens did not like to to kept waiting... just. like someone else I knew. I looked over at Tober to see him still sitting and looking our way. I had no idea how he might have been feeling. Frightened, angry, maybe both. If they had been the ones to kill my family I would have been nearly besides myself with rage.

When I had risen, he did a complete circle around me, despite his leg. He looked me up and down and with a frown that never left his face. Part of me wanted to suggest he take a picture, but the smarter part of me resisted. Let him stare, he could be doing a lot worse than simply gawking.

Humph.” He finally said after a moment and then began to pace back and forth in front of me, his leg dragging a trail in the dirt

Do you know how much Drats where put into the ship?” He asked as he walked, his head turned toward me. This had been mentioned earlier but I had already forgotten. When I showed no signs of answering he scowl but kept pacing

10. Millon. Drats” He stated between clenched teeth and pausing between each word. If he wanted a reaction I did not give it to him. I had no idea how much a Drat was. He stopped suddenly when he got in front of me and then turned his body to face mine.

and you are going to pay for every last one of them.” He hissed and I realized that it was not a threat he was making to me, but a promise. The only question was how was I going to pay him. I was afraid to find out.

He then turned his attention to Tober and grinned. It was not a happy grin though. More like how a lion might look at a gazelle before he went in for the kill. If lions could smile anyhow.

You miss me?'” He asked as he limped his way to Tober who still said nothing. I could see his hands clench into fists behind his back though. Flyntlock circled around him, reminding me again of a predator who had found his prey. It was offset somewhat by the limp however

I have to say I like your new body.” He stated as he continued his slow trek around Tober

It is shame nothing could have been done to my leg.” He continued, scowling down at his left leg as he did.

Let's get them both to our ship so we can continue the rest of out conversation in comfort.” He suddenly ordered the others who where all gathered a few feet behind him

Enough time has been wasted here.” He said as he cast as a disapproving look at the jungle, before turning and limping off. Two of them came and drug to my feet before I could do it myself

I can move myself.” I argued and was rewarded with a sharp jab to the gut as the began to drag me forward. Up ahead and and trailing behind Flytlock where two more aliens I had never seen before. They where the same species as the others however.

I suddenly stopped dead when I realized that a small figure was between then. There looked to be a rope tied around its neck and the other end was held by the alien on the right. Like a dog, I thought with disgust. It was also a figure that I recognized. I recolonized him because I had wrapped the plant bandage around his leg. It was the kid I had rescued. He staggered behind and was given a sharp tug on the rope and drug forward.

My hands drew into fists. I don't know how they had caught him, but damned if I was going to allow him to be taken away.

Move.” Mama demanded and tugged hard on my arm when I failed to start walking again. I dug in my heels however.

What are you doing with him!” I demanded, not caring that I was raising my voice. He followed me gaze and made a face when he looked at the kid.

'Flyntlock said he caught him spying. Said he was going to take us with him. Figured that he might make someone a nice pet. Certainly stupid eno...” He never got to finish his sentience however as in a moment of sheer rage I had managed to break free of my hold of my other captor. I brought back my fist and slugged him as hard as I could. I was amazed at how much it hurt my hand and amazed even more that I had made a great big lug like him stagger backwards.

It was short lived however as the next thing I knew I was wrestled to the ground and shoved onto my stomach . I fought with everything I had, but whoever had me just pressed down harder until I was nearly immobile.

My struggles had drawn the attention of Flyntlock however because he had made his way back toward us.

What the frag is all the trouble?” He growled. I lifted my head up, the only part of me that could and glared up at him.

You had better let him go!” I demanded. The fear had left me replaced with a near rage. God only knew what the poor kid was thinking and it was all my fault. If I had never wrecked his ship he never would have had to come here.

Who?” He asked causally as if we where just two friends talking.

The alien you caught.” I said and lifted my head over toward the cowering figure still held by one of fkyntlock's henchmen.

Oh, him.” He said matter of factually.

I thought he would make a nice pet for someone.” He stated as if he had picked up a stray dog or kitten.

You let him go or I'll.”

You'll what?” He cut me off, sounding amused.

Kill me?” He finished with a laugh.

Yes.” I promised. I would do it to if I had to I realized. I would do whatever it took to free the kid.

and wha..” He never got to finish whatever it was he was about to say because suddenly he toppled over froward. He landed hard on his stomach and not but a foot from where I was laying. I waited but he did not move. Wouldn't move I realized for sticking out of his back was a wooden spear. He was dead.

For a long moment nothing happened, it was as if everyone where in disbelief and then everyone seemed to start up at once. I heard anger, disbelief and even fear

'What the frag?”

He's dead..... the boss is dead!”

Where the frag did it come from?

Suddenly another alien fell, the one that had been holding the kid. He was dead before he even hit the ground. Another spear through the back. Panic was starting up I realized. I heard shots being fired and the sound of running footsteps. I had been let go I realized and I sat up. The seven reaming had moved to cover every direction that they could.

The kid had taken off for the woods and quickly vanished into the jungle without having been noticed. I let out a relieved breath of air. He was safe. I got to my knees and then turned back to look at Tober who had also been left alone. He was crouched low, hands still bond behind him. I quickly made my toward him and kept low. I first undid his hands and then took the metal hood which was a lot heavier than I thought. I grunted when I tossed it down. Thus far nobody had noticed, to busy looking for the next spear

Don't freak. They aren't after us.” I whispered. I hoped at least. Pat and his tribe had come to the rescue. I didn't know if they would stick around however, now that they had their own back.

I don't... freak.” He replied indigently. I sighed. Typical Tober. The others where still glaring off into the jungle, guns pointed and ready. Standing targets We should try and make a move for it while everyone was distracted. How to get past, without being seen however. The kid had did it, but the kid moved like some anyway. I moved like an elephant. We might never get as good a chance as this again and every second we stood there was another wasted.

I motioned to Tober and pointed toward a gap between two Glorkians behind us. They where both looking in the other direction He nodded and started forward and I followed close behind. We had made it halfway when a voice grunted from behind us.

Where the frag do you think that you are going?” Shazerk! Dammit. We both turned to see his weapon pointed at the both of us.

He jerked his head behind him

Come on back.”

Tober glared at him, his blue eyes narrowing. Shazerk moved his gun towards his head.

You even think about it and I'll end you here.” He warned. Having no other choice we made our way back to where we had just come from. He kept his gun trained on us the whole time. It seemed he wasn't about to get as careless as he had just been.

Twenty minutes passed and when no signs of another attacked came the others grew less tense .After another ten they turned away from the jungle but still kept a strong grip on their weapons. They slowly mad their way back toward Shazerk.

What about flynt?” One asked with a jerk of his head toward their fallen leader.

Not anything we can do.” grunted Shazerk.

'We need to get to the ship and get out before any more attacks come.” With that the group began to make their way forward again Shazerk took up the the rear kept his weapon trained on us. Soon we reached the ship that Flyntlock and the other two must have arrived in. It was only half as size as the one I had wrecked and sleeker looking.

We drew closer and closer towards it and more and more hope left me. This was it I realized. Pat's tribe had left.

I don't know what it was that made me look over. Maybe it was feeling, an instinct. Or maybe I had just gotten tired of looking at the damn ship. Whatever the reason however I glanced over to the the left of the ship to between two trees and there he was. Pat, even from this distance I could see him, his tattoos. He caught me looking and put a hand up, palm facing me and spread his fingers apart. I still did not know what that meant.

Someone else had seen him however because there was a sudden shout and then a shot fired his way. I cried out but when I looked he was gone. I bent down and picked up another one of the sharp stones that I had blinded One Eye with. This one was bigger, palm sized. It cut into my hand but did not notice or care. Instead, I flung it toward the shooter and it ht hm in the back of the head. He grunted and whirled around, gun firing accidentally and he ended up hinting his buddy next to him His head exploded and I looked away horrified. Even if they where the bad guys somethings where just to much to stomach.

Then all he broke loose. The one who had shot at Tober suddenly had spear sticking out of his stomach. He gaped down at it with an look of surprise before slumping over. Shots where fired randomly and there where shouts and screams. Another one went down. Yet again me and Tober where unwatched. I kept low and made my way toward him, more frightened of getting hit by the Glorkians weapons then a spear. On the way I stopped once, to pick up another piece of rock. Juts in case I might need it again. The little buggers where amazingly handy.

Let's go.” I whispered. I was not about to risk another chance at escape. It could be the only one we got. We made our way slowly back the way we came this time since most of the activity was taking place near or around the ship. We made it until we could no longer see the ship. It looked like we where going to made it! For once things where actually looking up.

Of course it didn't last long. Something stepped out from a behind a tree to my right. I thought it was someone from Pat's tribe at first and grinned. It faded however when I saw who it was. One Eye. He must have followed us. His weapon was trained on my chest, less than a foot away.

You did not think that I would let you get away did I?” He asked.

I told you that you would pay for what you did to my eye.” He went on. My hand closed around the rock. He had yet to see it. Instead he glanced down at his own weapon

Killing you with this would be to easy and fast though. ' Although he kept his weapon on me, he looked down and as he rummaged for something in his pocket. That was his mistake

No.. I have got something else in mind.” I knew it was now or never. I brought up my hand and jammed the rock down hard through his shoulder. It easily punctured through the fabric and into the skin below. He cried out and jerked backward, dropping what he had just pulled out of his pocket Before I could think to go after it Tober had already stepped forward and picked it up. It was the sliver teaser pen of hell. He did not need any further prompting and quickly jammed the end into One Eye's neck Sparks issued, he gave a jolt and then fell over backwards and did not get up. Awesome

I reached down and took his gun, yet again. He was going to be pissed as hell when woke up. Thankfully I planned on being as far away as possible when it happened.

let's go!” Tober grunted

Monday, November 15, 2010

Why hello there

When I woke up the next morning I was surprised to find that someone had lain the gun next to me. I picked it up and then stood. The rest of hut was empty, but when I went to the deck I could see folks milling about. I watched them for a while The women stood in small circles talking, some carrying babies. A group of children ran around kicking a ball of sorts and a a group of men took turns hurling spheres at a target.

I was reminded of tribes in the amazon. The ones that seemed to have stayed in one pocket of time despite centuries having passed them by. It was funny how much like humans they seemed despite what they looked like and the fact that they did not talk. Finally, I made my way down, tucking the gun under the crook of my arm so that I could keep both hands on the ladder.

Once down I noticed that although they still stared, people seemed less weary of me than before. In fact one woman even timidly approached me and handed me a wooden bowl with a white mush like substance in it. She clasped her hands together in front of her as if praying before baking away. I sniffed at the bowl but could smell nothing and lifted it to my mouth. It tasted a little like gold grits. Not the best, but I was hungry and it seemed rude not to accept it.

She came and took the bowl when I was finished and then handed me a cup of water which I drank down thirstily. It was nice and cold. It was then that I finally looked up. I could actually see the sky. For the first time in three days I could see the sky and I nearly cried. It was the same color blue as ours. There where no clouds in the sky and I could see a sun rising about the tree line. It was a darker red than ours, but it felt like home even if home happened to be a jungle. The same woman came up to me and took the cup. I wished to think her but I had no idea what to do so I just stared at her like an idiot until she left.

I turned to the group of children who where playing with a leather like lopsided ball. One of them kicked the ball to me and all of them stood and watched me. I kicked it back and they all chased after. It was not but a moment later when I was kicked back to me. They wanted to play. I set the gun against the ladder. These people did not seem to be thieves and kicked the ball back, this time chasing after them. There looked to be no real purpose of the game, more so just to chase after the ball and the first one who got to it kicked it.

I realized I was having fun. For the first time in a long while I was actually having a good time. The children did not seem to mind that I was different from them, just someone that they could play with. After a while the game dispersed and breathing heavily I made my way over to the ladder where I had left my gun. I wondered if I should leave. I needed to get to the ship but I had no idea where it was. I wondered if any of them had seen the ship or if they had how in the heck I could ask them.

I was debating on just how to get this done when I was approached by the same man from last night. I knew we was the same because he the most marks out of just about everyone. Two others trailed behind him. He made the jerky gesture with his head to behind him and I got up and followed them over to underneath one of the houses.

There was a low wooden bench in the middle and on it was a small jagged piece of rock about three inches long, and two wooden bowls that contained a black looking substance like ink and a more gummy like one. He motioned for me to sit down and I did with weariness, wondering what was about to happen. He dabbed two fingers in the gummy substance and began to smear it on my face. It was surprisingly warm feeling, but almost immediately afterward I was aware of a tingling sensation.

When he picked up the small piece of rock and dipped it in the ink like liquid I suddenly had an inkling about what was going to happen. They where going to tattoo me! That was what the marks on the men where! Why though? It seemed like something only the men had done. I was not a man, and not part of their tribe, so what was the purpose? I held my hand up as he drew near with the rock and he paused, growing. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a translation book right now.

He pointed to his face and then to the bowl and back again. It was obvious he was trying to convey what was about to do, but I knew that already. I held up my hand again. His frown deepened but he leaned the rock against one of the bowls and turned to the two men that had followed us. After a series of motions with his hands they left I wondered what was going on. Had he gotten offended that I had refused the tattoo? It was not but a minute before they where back and I saw one carrying my stolen weapon awkwardly and a held out from him as if he was scared to get to close to it. The other held the head of one of the creatures I had killed. The boy I had bandaged up trailed behind him still using his crutch.

With another jerk of his head, the men drew closer to us and he motioned from the weapon to the creature and he did it again. I frowned. What was he trying to tell me? Did he know what I had killed one of them? Had the boy told him what I had done with the weapon. Was that the creature that I had killed? He motioned back to the head again and then pointed to his own head where one of the designs was..

I had always loved paying charades when I was younger, but this was a bit much. The dead creature seemed to have something to do with the marks on them, but what? Could it be that they got them when they killed one of them? I deciding to try something out. I pointed at the head and then to one of the marks on his arm.

His whole expression seemed to change. His frown lessened and he patted my shoulder and bobbed his head Now what was he doing? He seemed happier. Did that mean I had guessed right? Did the men get them after they had killed one of the creatures and then another mark everytime after that. I know back on earth there where tribes that did similar things such as when a boy reached manhood. Maybe even there where tribes that did the same as these guys.

How could I politely decline? I did not particular care to be jabbed again and again with a sharp object. Plus while on them the designs looked good, on me it would look incredibly stupid. It appeared however that he had taken my signal as a sign to proceed and I watched as he dipped the rock in the dye and then brought it up to above my face. I must have flinched because he put his other hand on my shoulder. I did now know if it was supposed to be for reassurance or what.

Maybe it would not be that bad. My ADHD drummer heart had started up again and I closed my eyes as he drew closer with the rock and waited for the sharp prick.... and waited and waited. Finally I opened my eyes. Had he given up? No. I watched, opened eyes this time as he dipped it in the ink and clutched between two oversized fingers and brought it to my left cheek. I had not felt anything though. Nothing.

Had it been that stuff he had rubbed on my face before hand, the one that had made my face tingle? I did not see any other explanation as why I was not whimpering in pain. I still was not very keen on having my face tattooed, but I could see no other choice as he had already started. So I just sat there. Two hours had gone by and he shown no signs of stopping. I had to pee and my neck was growing stiff, but he showed no signs of stopping. Two more hours past and I was about to risk offending him to get up before my bladder exploded.

Finally however he put the rock down and did not pick it up back up. He looked back at me and put his hand flat against his chest and then nodded before standing. Was he done? I stood as well and he gave a nod again before walking away. Finally. I wanted to see what I looked like, but I had more urgent business to attend to first. After finding a tree near the edge of the forest I made my way back to the village. I wondered if they had a mirror anywhere.

I did not have a chance to look however for as soon as I made it back to the village circle two women approached me. They clasped their hands together like in pray and nodded. I still had no idea what they meant. Hello? How are you? You have something stuck in your teeth? One of them then jerked their head and then pointed in the opposite direction before taking off. I followed after them wondering what was going to happen now. We left the village and traveled down a well worn path until we came to a small area of water that looked more like small pond or large puddle depending on the way you looked at it.

They jerked their heads to the water before taking off their top gramet and placing them on a large rock I looked down at me feet feeling awkward as hell. They defiantly where the same as human women in one big regard. They must have gotten in the water as I suddenly felt drops of water spray across my face. I looked up to see them in waits deep water and not the least bit modest that I was looking on. One of them splashed me again and jerked her head toward the water.

Obviously they wanted me to get in I was a bit modest about getting undressed with an audience. I had taken gym class one year in school, but had never gotten sweaty enough to shower. I decided just to take off my shoes and sock and push the pants up as far as they would go. Yet when I tried to get in one of the women came up and jerked at my pants and then pointed to the rock where they had laid their clothes. I tried to push past her and the woman actually attempt to take off my clothes. I backed away gently pushing away her hand. If I was going to have to change then I did not need any help.

They did not seem to have a problem with it and it was better than having two men around. I was being stupid really. They did this all the time likely. So I finally relented and got undressed and then got in the water. It was nice and warm like bath water and it felt great after not having showered in days. I stayed longer than I had intended, doing my best to scrub away all the dirt and grime before climbing out and when I did I found my clothes where missing. I looked around franticly but did not see them. The two woman though seemed non pulsed.

I was about to go into panic mode when another woman suddenly appeared with a wooden basket. She handed me gramets like the other women wore and did the same to the two others. Had she the one that had taken my clothes? They looked and smelt clean and seeing as how they where the only things avalible, I put them on. Thankfully they had left my shoes which I gratefully put on.

I made my way back to the tribe and noticed that nearly all of them had gathered together, men women and children alike. The man that had tattooed me stood in front and motioned me forward with one hand. In his other he had a wooden spear. I froze before half a step before making my way towards him. I prayed this was a not a ceremony where they sacrificed the new comer.

When I got within about three feet of him, I was suddenly surrounded by about a dozen men, all carrying spears. Maybe I should have ran when I had to chase. To late now I supposed They parted to allow the man through who I was finally figuring must be their leader. He did a number of motions with his hands and feet that looked more like a dance than anything and perhaps it was. He stopped suddenly and went to his pouch and pulled out the necklace I had seen seen on the other men. This one had only one tooth. He approached me and slipped it around my neck Finally he brought his hands up pray like before jutting back his head back.

The men parted again, this time to allow a small boy though who had not yet been tattooed, but who carried the head of the gator like creature. He knelt in front of me and held it up to me. I picked it up, hoping I was doing the right thing and the boy stood and then left. The leader flicked his hands and the men suddenly brought up their spears one by one to form a teepee above my head and then one by one they where brought down. The leader brought his own spear suddenly and let the tip rest against my chest He held it there a moment and the dropped his head down to his chest. The spear was removed and held upright again. Finally he turned and the group parted. The men broke away almost immediately afterward. The rest of the village followed suit, leaving me alone.

I remained in place however, heart still thumping. I looked down at the head in my hands and then at my necklace. It seemed to be missing a tooth. I realized that the whole thing had been a ceremony for killing the creature. It was why I had gotten the tattoo and the necklace. I wondered if this happened evrey time someone killed one of them or just their first. I thought back to the head above the doorway. I had only seen that one, Perhaps only the head from the first creature was kept and afterward only the teeth where saved and a tattoo was given.

I could not help but feel honored, although all the attention was a little of putting. I was more of a way back on the sidelines kind of girl. I liked it here however. Although they where a bit untrusting and unsure it seemed that they had accepted me. I wondered f I was there first ever alien encounter or if they had seen others a few others. There had been trips to this planet before. Had any of them seen the ships before? If anyone was aware I realized it would be their tribe leader, who I had decided to name Pat, short for Patrark who was the head or father of a family. He was the head of this tribe after all. I felt more connected to them when I gave them names, more like they where people then things.

I needed to get back to the ship as soon as possible and I had no idea where that was. I could wander around for ages and never find it. Or I could make an attempt to ask. If he had no clue or I just could not make him understand, at least I will have tried. I would leave and attempt to strike off on my own. I could try my original plan of following the river until I came across the over turned log. It stunk, but it was better than do nothing at all.

The only question is how to go about asking them such a question. It hit me when I saw a small child running a stick across the ground in loops and circles . If I couldn't say it or display it then maybe I could draw it. It took no time at all to find a suitable writing or rather drawing instrument and I quickly spotted Pat gesturing at a group of young boys. I waited until he was finished and when he turned around I jerked my head over toward a patch of dirt. I could not hide a grin as he followed over.

It faded however when I reached the patch and squatted down. I looked up to see him standing above me, hands loosely at his side and looking down. I let out a long breath of air before putting the tip of the stuck in the ground. I hesitated for only a second before doing my best to draw a crude outline of the ship I was a horrible drawer even with pen and paper and could barley even do stick figures correctly. When I looked down at what I had drawn, I grimaced. It looked more like something a drunken monkey would have drawn.

When I looked back at him he was looking down at my drawing with a frown. I pointed to it and then at the sky and then stood and flapped my arms trying to signify that that that egg shaped drawing flew. He just cocked his head to one side and frowned even deeper. I tried twice more and twice more he just looked at me. This was getting us nowhere and I had to fight a very strong desire to snap the stick in half and fling it into the woods

I was about to give up when I spotted a strange bright orange parrot like bird land up about twenty feet away. I pointed to the bird and then flapped my arms and did it a second and a third time until it flew away. I flapped my arms yet again and this time pointed at the drawing. He brought his chin down to his chest and his frowned lessened. Did that mean he had at least a little idea of what I was trying to say?

He bent down suddenly and motioned for the stick and I gave it to him. He used his hand to brush away my own drawing before starting on his own. I watched him, my own head cocked to the side as I tried to puzzle out what he was doing. Finally he finished and then pointed the stick at the drawing.

I stood, starting uncomprehending at first and sure that I was seeing things. I blinked once and then twice yet the drawing never changed. There was etched out in the dirt was a pretty damn good drawing off our ship which only meant that he had to have seen it before. I felt like jumping up and letting out a whoop of joy or else dancing around Instead I grinned and looked over at him and brought my chin to my chest and what I hope stood for was I get it, I understand. He patted my shoulder in response.

Now to find out just where it was. I pointed down again and then pointed out in front of me. When he did nothing, I pointed down again and in another direction. I was about to point yet again when he grabbed my outstretched arm and drew it toward the back of the circle of huts, opposite from where the trail led to them. Finally we where getting somewhere!

I wondered how long it was from here? I had another day of travel at least and I knew I would need to get moving, like now. I just prayed that I would not end up walking in circles. I just needed my gun and I would be off. I bowed my head again and then brought my fist my chest in what I hoped was goodbye. I had seen others do it when they left and the same before turning away. I made my way over to underneath the house where my weapon lay besides the bench and picked it up. It was awkward walking with it and the gator head but I could not very well leave either.

I wanted to say goodbye to everyone and to thank them for having accepted me so easily, but I did not know how. I couldn't very well go up to everyone and do the fist thing. Or I could but it would take to long. I did wish I could have said goodbye to the boy I had helped and who had likely helped me out, but I could not see him anywhere. So casting one last look around their small community I set off in the direction in which I had been directed.

Before I could set off through the jungle however, Pat returned with two men behind him, all three of them carrying spears. He flicked his head toward them and then me and the motioned for the skull. I held it out and he took it before striking off into the jungle. I glanced back at the men and the one on the right turned his head in the direction that their leader had went. It looked as if I where going to have some company and I was more than thankful. I guessed I stood still to long because one of them jammed the spear in my back. Not enough to puncture through the fabric but enough so I felt it. I turned back to glare and he motioned again with the sphere. Alright I'm, going I thought.

There was yet another interruption however I had even take two steps. One of the women arrived with something strewn over her arm. My prison clothes I realized. She handed them to me looking down cast. I accepted them and realized that looked at lot cleaner and smelt a lot cleaner as well. They must have been washed, but I was surprised to see that they where not even a little wet. I remembered how they had resisted water at the creek however. Awesome.

I never thought that I would have been happen for a prison outfit, but I was not use to skirts. I had worn maybe three in my entire lifetime and not because I had decided to. In fact I could not remember the last time I had ever worn anything but pants. I put them on over the dress not wanting to take it off in front of the guy behind me who jabbed me yet again in the back, this timer even harder. Great, another Tober it seemed.

I did not bother looking back this time just went after the other spear carrier who had paused several feet ahead. The journey for the first few hours was uneventful for the most part. I found that they where like ghosts moving through the forest, for that seemed to make no sound at it. It made me even more accutely
aware of how much noise I made when I walked.

The spear carrier up ahead stopped suddenly and turned back to me. I froze, unsure of what to do. Had any seen something? He jerked his head forward however and when I glanced back I saw that the one I had nicknamed T2 for Tober to was drawing closer and I hurried forward not wishing to be jabbed again. When I had drawn abreast of the other guy however he head his spear across my path way and the pointed with it to their right.

Up ahead and several yards away was a creature that looked like a cross between a boar and primate. It was about the size of a toddler and it walked upright and on two legs and hunched over, kind of like a gorilla. The face though was pig like with a snout It was covered with a red bristle like hair and it had no tail. I could hear the grunting however if I listened hard enough, just like a pig. It hunkered toward the ground until its snout was touching the ground. It moved towards us slowly, while grunting.

Suddenly it froze and lifted up its head, letting out a piercing shriek and sprang forward. I let out one myself and fell backwards as I tripped over a vine. Almost as soon as I landed on my ass, a spear tip appeared through the belly of the creature and it toppled over. I was gaping again, but I could not help it. The creature lay unmoving, dead but I wasn't quite ready to get back to my feet. Where the hell had the spear come from?

I got my answer when Pat suddenly appeared. He stepped up to the creature and placed his foot on its back and then pulled out the spear. He spotted us and then jerked his head forward. The other two approached and I finally picked myself up and trailed behind them. I looked down at the dead pigmate and made a face. It was even uglier up close and it smelled. I watched as T2 suddenly got a rope out from his pouch and wrapped it around the legs of the pigmate. The other end up the rope was given to his partner who quickly scaled the tree next to him. He stopped at a branch about fifteen feet high and then dropped the rope over it where it was grabbed by T2 before climbing back down. He used it like a pulley to lift up the creature and the rope was finally tied around the base of the tree. The primate dangled above our heads and reminded me of a pinata from hell.

We took off again but stopped a little while later to rest and ate a large purple fruit that was the size of an orange. It was surprisingly sweet and was filled a lot of water. I ended up eating three them. I was glad that I had not had gone alone as not only would I have likely been attacked by pigmate but I would have never known what I could or could not have eaten

It was as night was rapidly fallen that we stopped again. Pat had walked back to me and motioned me forward and I followed him barley able to see in the dwindling light We rounded a corner and he stopped so suddenly that I ended up plowing into him as I had been following so close behind. He did not appear upset and instead gave a jerk of his head and even pointed his spear. I followed the end and at first saw nothing but a clearing up ahead. I squinted and looked again and saw that there was a darker shadow in the clearing. I moved forward and stumbled and likely would have gone down had pat not grabbed me

As I drew closer the shadow morphed into a ship, our ship! He had found it. I thrust my arm with the gun up in celebration and let out a lout whoop of joy. I turned back to Pat wanting to thank him more than anything, but not knowing how. I grinned back at him, but I was not sure if he even saw it and then made my way to the ship. Luckily I only managed to trip twice.

The only problem was that it was growing to dark to see and I had no way to get inside the ship. I had tried approaching it, hoping that the door might work automatic, but nada, zip. The mouth did not open, the draw bridge dd not lower. I stamped my foot in a childish display of frustration and anger. So damn close and now I would have to wait until tomorrow to try. That is if I could find a way to get the blasted door open.

I turned back to Tober who had not yet moved from where I had left him. I did not see T2 or the other guy, but they where likely around and in shadows. When he saw me look his way he made his way towards me and then grasped my arm lightly and jerked his head to the left. I didn't know where we where going, but I let him lead me nonetheless

We did not have far to go as couple of yards away was either T2, or the other guy, working on a fire. It was hard to tell who was who in the dim lighting. I was surprised at how fast he had managed to get it going and surprised more he had managed to start one in such damp place. Nevertheless, I was grateful to have something to see by.

A little while later the other guy showed up with some sort of strange animals skewered on his stick. I couldn't tell what they where but they looked a type of rodent that had been skinned and cleaned. I watched as he roasted them on the fire, turning them this way and then that was reminded of the last time I had cooked a hot dog over a camp fire. It had been with my mom and... I shook my head at the memory as if hoping I could dislodge it. I could not think about home or else I would start to fall apart.

Finally he took them off of the fire and removed one from the stick and tossed it to Pat. I watched as he caught the animal and the ripped over a leg and bit into it. Another was given to the other guy and finally he tossed one to me. I caught it and promptly dropped it when I realized it was hot as fire, no pun intended. I ended up having to pull the sleeve of the shirt over my hand in order to pick it up and hold it. I did not know how the others could stand it, let alone eat it without getting burned

I watched them as they ate, thankful they had not seemed to witness my graceless display. I was to hungry to be grossed out anymore. It was no different then eating chicken or steak. Meat was Meat. By the time I had finally got around to taking my first bite however, the others where finished. Was surprised at the flavor. It reminded me a little of roasted chicken with a bit more of a gamey flavor

When I was finished Pat approached me once more and grabbed my ram , leading me to a tree a couple of feet from the fire. He jerked his head upwards Sleep there, he was telling me. I was grateful they had stick around or else I would have been without a fire, hungry and a wee bit frightened and having to go it alone. Or at lot bit frightened.

I awoke the next morning early and when I climbed down from the tree I was great full to see Pat milling about the remains of the fire. I had thought they had might have already left. When he saw me he brought his hand together and gave a nod. I believe I had finally figured out what that meant. It was a greeting. I did the same in return before making my way back towards the ship. I could see it a lot better now although I still had no idea how to go about getting inside. I circled it twice and saw nothing of real interest or a way to get me inside. I bent down and scooped up a rock and tossed it at the side of the ship hoping, I dunno... it would break or something. All that resulted it was it bouncing back and nearly hitting me. When I tried again with a bigger rock and put more force in the throw, I actually succeeded.. in hitting myself in the leg when the rock ricocheted out of the door. I swore and jumped around in front of an amused Pat. Or at least I thought he was amused, judging by the way he looked as if he where grinning.

It was time to move onto Plan B, whatever plan B was. It had to be better than what I just tried. Short of running into the ship head long, anything would have been a better plan than what I had just done. An idea came to me after the third time I had walked passed the weapon I had stolen from the alien. I thought back to the large whole it had made in the ground and the way it had blown apart trees and river monsters alike. I glanced back from it and the ship wondering...

Tober had said the ship was already damaged beyond repair anyway, so what would a little more hurt? At worst nothing would happen, at best.... I would get in the ship. No actually at worst the beam would bounce off the ship and obliterate me. Still.. it was to tempting not to try. Besides, I had no other options.

I picked up the weapon, took aim at the door and fired. As soon as I had pressed the trigger I had flung myself sideways to avoid becoming like the river monster. I hit the ground hard and Tober approached looking down at me, his head cocked to the side. I waved him away and climbed to me feet. I was sore, but unhurt and when I stood I saw a huge dent in the door. I fired again, and the once more and finally the door was blasted away. I heard it clatter against something in the ship. Success. I pumped my fits in the air.

The only issue now was how to get inside, as the door was about five feet up and the ramp had not deployed. I tried several times to pull myself up by grasping a hold of the bottom of the door and failed each time. Athletically gifted, I was not. Annoyed, I glared up at the door and folded my arms across my chest. What to do now?

Pat solved that question when he approached me from behind and lifted me up. I was able to get both arms and the upper part of me in the ship and Pat helped me get the rest of the way in with a push. This guy was turning out be a huge lifesaver. Once inside, it only took me a moment to sot what I was looking forward. It had rolled against a wall

Hear pounding with excitement I bent down and picked it up. I grasped it around the middle with one hand, with my thumb lifted above it. .

“Three, two one.” I counted down and then brought my thumb down over the button and held it there for a full swift as Meid had told me to.

Nothing happened. I don't know what I had expected to take place really. Maybe for it to beep or for a light to come on, something to give an indication it was working. I tried pressing the button again, wondering if perhaps I had counted wrong. Still nothing.

I hurled it as hard as I could. It bounced against a wall out the door. Good riddance, I thought. This had been a big waste of time and I felt tears blur my vision. I had no way off this planet and no way to call for help. Tober had been captured by the Glorikans and the world was yet another day closer to being destroyed.

I felt all the anger and fear and frustration finally boil over. I kicked at a seat, not caring that it hurt my foot. I let out every swore word I knew, alien and human alike and looked for something to destroy or break. There was not much that was not bolted down, but I found a door to storage that I managed to rip off the hinges. I ended up cutting myself in the process and it was finally then that I began to cool off. I sank to me knees breathing heavily and hands drawn into fists at my sides.

I wasn't aware that Pat had followed me into the ship until I looked up and saw him standing above me, I wondered how much he had seen of my outburst and could not help but feel like an idiot. Lord knows what he thought of me now. If he was upset, however he did not know it. Instead he knelt beside me and laid an arm on my shoulder. I felt nice and comforting and reminded me of Medi.

I don't know how long we stayed that way really. I did not feel like getting up and he did not appear to be bothered. Finally though I grew tired of sitting and I stood and Pat followed suit. I made my way out out the ship, half to shit down in order to get back to the ground while Pat jumped with little to know effort.

I wondered what to now. Try and find the Gorlikans and Tober? I had no idea where they where though. For all I knew they could have already left I could go back with Pat I I was pretty sure I could stay with the tribe. I was not part of them though, not really. This was not my home. I traced a pattern on the ground with the toe of my shoe. It was easier then trying to make a decision.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Pat. He gestured with his head to a direction in front of the ship and then started off. When I just stood there he looked at me and motioned with his head again. I didn't want to go anywhere, not yet anyway. However when he motioned for a third time, I sighed, but followed him after taking the time to pick up the weapon where I had left it. I had no idea where we where going. The camp was in the other direction.

We made our way past the stream where I had first seen the Glorkians and continued downhill. After another twenty minutes of walking he stopped and pointed. I followed his arm to see a much larger ship up ahead in clearing. It was the one that has shot us out of the sky. The ones that the Glorkians had used to follow us here.

I crouched down and studied the area. It did not look as if anyone was around however, so after a few minutes went by, I stood up and crept forward. They could have been on the ship but I doubted it as they would have likely already left.

I circled the ship. Picture a triangle with two long rectangles underneath it on ether end and that was pretty much what their ship looked like The sides where about as long as a school bus, although a lot wider and taller. There where large round windows place evenly around the ship and a large one up front.

A door was located on one side of the triangle and it was lot nearer the ground then ours had been and I was surprised when it suddenly sprang open as I drew within about a foot of the ship. I guess they had not hear about locks. Or maybe that had not thought to lock it. I paused for a moment and the causticity made my way into the ship. I jumped as the doors closed shut behind me.

The front part of the ship or the triangle rather was large and spacious . The control panel took up the entire front half with more buttons, switches and controls than I had ever seen in my life. Two seats sat on either side of the control panel and behind them three more. The one in the middle had a round platform form in front of it with even more buttons. Behind them was two more seats.

On either side of the ship where double doors. I went through the one on the left and it lead down a large hallway or one of the rectangles of the ship. There where doors on either side, although some did not open when I approached. The ones that did lead to rooms that looked about ten by ten feet.

I went in one of the rooms and saw it had what looked to a round tube like the device in the middle of the room. It was about eight feet long and about half that wide. The top was clear and I could see inside to what looked like a cushioned bottom. I wondered if this could be a bed. If it it was, I knew that there was no way I ever would have stayed in one. I was not claustrophobic, but it reminded m,e to much of a coffin. The only other thing in the room was an empty closer and a table built into the wall.

If I had not been so nervous I likely would have explored the ship furthur, but I was nervous about the Glorkians coming back and made my way towards the front of the ship again. I fingered a blue toggle switch on the control panel as I looked out the window and suddenly the screen in front of me flicked to life. I jumped back and saw one of the Glorkians on the screen. It looked as if he was aboard another ship.

“Where the frag have you been Harayak.!” The figured yelled. My heart thundered in my chest. Could he see me? Was this real communication or just a feedback.

“I've been..” He starting and suddenly stopped mid sentience as he glared at the screen.

“Who the frag are you and how did you get on this ship!” He suddenly demanded. Well, I guess that answered that question. When I failed to answer he growled and his claws drew into fists.

“I'll ask one more time! Who the frag are you and why are you on my ship!” Oh shit. Oh shit Oh shit! What the hell do I do know? I flicked the blue switch again and nothing happened he was still there. I pressed a red button and then white rectangular one and that resulted in a large siren like sound to start up. The noised seemed to drown him out at least but he was still there and looked angrier than ever.

I panicked and shot at the control panel with my gun Well, I succeeded in getting him off the screen and the alarm to stop, but unfortunately I had also left a gaping hole in the control panel. The lights in the ship flickered and the suddenly went out. Oops. It looked like I had killed the ship

I had really not thought that one through and wondered why the hell I had not just left the damn ship in the first place. Because I had panicked that's why and a panicked person was a stupid person. Well, I was leaving now and getting as far away as possible.

I had to blast my way out of the ship when the doors would not open. Now along with the gaping hole in their control panel they had one where their door had been to match. They where going to love me when they got back

I existed the ship and saw that Pat had stuck around. I needed to get him to leave though. The Glorikans would likely be on the warpath when they returned and I had no desire to have them get caught up in my mistake. I also needed to stick around. I wanted to see how Tober was. Plus maybe I could gain information by sticking around, like a way off the the plant. I realized I likely could have hide aboard their ship and been none the wiser. Had I not fucked it up beyond repair that is.

I turned to Pat and placed my palm against my chest in an attempt to say goodbye. I pointed to myself and then the ship then pointed to him and jerked my head behind the ship. He stared at me for a full minute without making a single gesture and then finally he laid both his hands on either on my shoulder and bowed his head and then closed his eyes. I was unsure what to do, but bowed my head as well and closed my eyes. When I opened them he was gone. I looked around but could not see him anywhere. He he vanished and I likely would never see him again.

I looked down and saw that he had left the skull and the egg. He must have picked it up when it had fallen out of the ship. I felt like given it a hard kick and instead picked it up. Even if it had failed to work it had still been given to me by one of the few who genuinly seemed to care and instead stuffed it up my sleeve again. I picked up the skull next, running my hand over the rough texture of the leather like skin. Another gift. A very odd gift, but a gift nonetheless.

I was crying I realized. The sarcastic saying from a movie I had forgotten the name of came to mind, someone call the waaaaaamblance suddenly sprung into my head and I giggled through the tears. The giggled faded however when I heard a voice cut through the quiet.

“Finally back, about fragging time.” I heard a familiar voice to complain. Mama something! They where back! They where back and I needed somewhere to hide and quick. It sounded like they where behind the ship. I was in front of it and a little to the right. I thought about trying to make for the ship and hide it in as as that would likely be the last place they would think to look. Nothing was working in the ship though, I would have nowhere to go when I got inside. That left the jungle then.

Up ahead was a clump of bushes with red leaves where the jungle started back up. I made for them, and ducked down behind them just in time to hear another voice pipe up.

“We need to contact Fozthuk. He's likely already frazzed about us being late.” I crouched as low as I could and peered through a three inch gap between two bushes. One of them had gone ahead and had reached the front of the ship and stopped dead in front of the gaping hole that was that door. It was a shame that I could not see his face.

“What the frag!” He yelled.

“Someone has attacked the ship!” He growled. That got the others around in a hurry. I could see tober in the middle of the group, the hood still on his head. His arms looked to be tied behind hi. Someone gave him a hard shove and he stumbled forward nearly losing his balance. Although I was ashamed to admit it, there was a small part of me that enjoyed seeing Tober being the one to get pushed around for once.

“Who the frag could have done this?!” another voice piped in as they grouped around what had once been the door.

One of them entered the ship only to return a second later, his clawed hands drawn into fists.

“The control panel has been destroyed as well. Looks like someone took a pulse rifle to it.” Pulser rifle.. I glance down at the gun. Was that was it was?

“It was that fraggen dren that stole mine.” Commented the one who attacked me his voice almost to low for me to hear. I decided to call him one eye.

“What do we do now then?”

“Not much we can do.”

“So what?” We just supposed to sit on our tails and wait here?”

“That is pretty much all there is to do. I am sure Fozthuk will send out a search party when we don't arrive in the next roundabout. He knows our location.”

“Just what I wanted to spend another fraggin night on this planet.” Mama complained yet again.

“If I catch the alien that did this I'll gut it.” I heard one hiss.

“Not before I blind it.” Promised one eye. Ho-okay I really, really needed to stay out of their way. I did not bother listening to the rest of the conversation out as it looked as if I had found out all the information that I was going to. Instead I tied to decided what to do.

Should I try going deeper in the jungle? Tober was still alive and another ship was not arriving until the next day or so. Even if it did, how the Frag was I supposed to board it? I had no cloak of invisibility.

I came to the frighting realization that I might spend the rest of my life on this planet. I was thinking so hard about what to do that I never realized I had been suck up on until a voice commented from behind me.