Thursday, October 23, 2014


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How did you find RotB?

[b]Character Basics:[/b]
Full name:
Age:  13
Gender:  female
Species: human
Usergroup: Mortals
Concept  Innovation
Playby:  Emerald-Angel Young


[i]What is your name? Who chose it?[/i]

My name is Shea and it was chosen by my parents.  There is no big story behind it really.  They just liked the name

[i]What are you - are you mortal or immortal?[/i]

I'm  just your average everyday ordinary garden variety mortal.

[i]Tell us about your family.[/i]

My parents were the best.   My mom is... was a  mechanical engineer and she was the one that got me into science.  She was smart  as heck and the one we went to when we needed help with our science and math homework.   She had a wonderful singing voice and when she would tuck us in at night she would sing to us.   She even learned the element song  for me.  

She always insisted on us eating at the kitchen table.  She was also the most cultured of us.  She took us to museums or plays and tried to teach me and my brothers manners... key word being tried.   She could also give this look that would make me  my brothers stop whatever it was were doing.  She was the one who did not want to face when you did something wrong. (sorry Dad)

She loved the color green.  She liked rabbits and collected little figures of them.  Her favorite season was winter.

My dad was a lawyer.   That didn't stop him from acting like a big kid though.  He was the one that would take us out for junk food and let us stay up past our bed time   Chores didn't always get done.. and he taught me the art of stuffing everything in a closet before company would come over.

 He was a history buff and liked to dress up and go to historical reenactments  He always made the best Halloween costumes when we were little.  He could sew way better than mom and was an amazing artist.

He flew R/C planes and got me into the hobby.  He also got me into oldies music.  When it was just me and him in the car we would crank up the music as loud as it would go as would belt out the lyrics at the top of our lungs, despite neither one of us being able to sing.

Henry is nine. He really is a awesome kid.  He does great in school and is always kind to everyone.. even if the don't deserve it   He is sensitive though and gets hurts easily by people.  This has unfortunately made him a target of bullies. I've made more than one ten year old cry because of that. I always try and look out for him and be the perfect big sister or a near perfect sister.

He figure skates and he is amazing at it. It is one of the few times when he isn't  nervous or unsure of himself. He loves board games of all kinds and magic tricks.   He can so some pretty sweet card tricks

Greg is sixteen and our relationship with each other is more the typical annoy the hell out of each other sibling bond.  He spends most of his days tormenting  me and I return the favor.  We have a long standing prank war between us. Really though we do care for each other even if we don't always show it.  If someone hurts him I will go after that person and he will do the same in return. 

Every year he gives me a  different kind of feather to add to the necklace that he gave me when I was eight. Each feather represents a year since the accident I had at  four and the one he blames  himself for. (When I was four and he was seven he told me if I ate a  feather I would be able to fly.  Well, I ate the feather and then jumped off our roof and shattered my left leg in several places.)  I know most people would find that disturbing, but that is not how it is.  He does it to show much he does care about me.

He eats sleeps and breathes hockey.  He plans on trying to go pro and I think he could make it.

Samuel is twenty two and a police officer.  It is his first year on the force,  Growing up he always looked after me.  He was the perfect older brother.  There is a nine year age gap between us but that hasn't stopped us from being close.  Whenever I got in trouble and was scared to tell my parents, he was the one I went to.  He also talked to me about things he didn't tell anyone else. 

[i]What would you normally wear to work?[/i]

I still go to school actually.  Still stuffing my head full of knowledge and facts.  It varies really.  Most of the time if it is not a special occasion, I will wear bright colors such as red, yellow, purple, pink and red.  There are days when I will wear only one color and days when I wear two different colored socks. I like making my own fashion statement

On special occasions however I love incorporating the day into my attire.  For example, last valentines day I  put on an adult sized diaper that had been dyed pink. It went over  my pants which were also pink My shirt was you guessed it... pink.    I had glued those tiny candy hearts to both the shirt and pants. ( Do you know how many little hearts you have to buy to cover a shirt and pants?   I had to borrow  three months allowance.)  I also had a bow and and arrow that shot those suction cup darts, except I had put super glue on the darts.  I shot them at people's asses all day in school.  If they caught on I stated  “You have been struck by Cupid's arrow of love.”  It was funnier if they didn't catch on though.

[i]What do you like the most about your appearance?[/i]

My hair, it easily adds a good four inches to my height and and being a short fry like me I need it.

[i]Do you have any hidden talents?[/i]

I have the ability to work anyone up into a rabid frenzy to the point where they wish to tear me limb from limb and devour my eternal soul so I don't go on to bug them in the afterlife.  I can make even the most milled mannered individual go unto a hulk like rage.  I wield it with pride.

[i]What are your shortcomings? Be honest.[/i]

I don't know when to take no for an answer.  In other words I am stubborn as a mule. I  also cant leave well enough alone.  I have to keep poking and prodding at something until very often it explodes in my face both literally and psychically.  I will not back down from a confrontation even when it means I will get my ass handed back to me.  I do not know when to quit.  I will put my own safety at risk in order to perform an experiment.

I'm also psychically weak because of my bum leg.  I cant run very fast and I get tired easily. I am not able to do a lot of psychical activity.

[i]Would you say the glass is half-empty or half-full?[/i]

I sort of accidentally destroyed the glass, sorry.   

You mean though if I see the world as roses and sunshine  or doom and gloom.  The way I see it, you have to look at the bright side of things or else you will be  gray haired and senile by the time you are forty.  If  my hand gets hacked off in an  industrial saw accident, I will get a hook  for a hand.  That way I can live out my dream of being a pirate and I will always have a place to hang my dry cleaning.  Gum in my hair?  I always wanted a Mohawk. Whining and bitching (Heh, bitching)  will not make the problem go away

[i]If you could time-travel, where would you go?[/i]

I would want to go back in time to meet Benjamin Franklin.  That dude is seriously awesome and smart as hell.  I would have loved to pick his brain about his various inventions and show him my own.

 I would also like to go to the furthest point in time I could just before humanity was wiped out or the earth got used up just long enough that I could shout “It's the end of the world as I know it and I feel fine.”

[i]Do you believe in God?[/i]

Yea,  I do.  Maybe not the I will smite you down if you fart in church kind of God but that there is someone out there watching over us.. and likely laughing his (or her) ass off at all of us crazy humans and crazy immortals and crazy creatures and  crazy, well.. you get my idea.   I think God has a sense of humor, he created Greg after all.

My parents were both atheists but my grandmother on my father's side believed in God.  His view on the matter was a little unorthodox (That's a vocabulary word!) which shaped me own.

[i]When's the last time you cried?[/i]

Last week.  I was on the subway and I smelled the collenge my Dad always wore. It is stupid I know, but for a second I thought my dad was there on the subway with me.   It was that split second I had forgotten that he had died.  Then reality came crashing back and I saw it was this businessman in a suit.  My dad hated suits, ties especially.  I saw his stupid checkered tie and I just lost it right there and started bawling like a  baby

[i]Do you have any fond childhood memories?[/i]

Oh boy, where to begin.  My birthdays stand out.  I was born on April fool's day and my parents have always incorporated that into my birthday.  We have this thing going where in the morning I will come down to breakfast and my family will be carrying on about their day and I'll ask them what they have planed for my birthday.  My parents will look at me shocked and say that it isn't my birthday yet and I will insist that it is.  The argument will  go back and  forth with me pretending to get more and  more upset  and them pretending it isn't my birthday and even my brothers will join in.

Later in the day I will come home from school or else on  from running an “errand” and  my family will be waiting in the living room for me where they will all yell surprise.  My brothers will usually attack me with  sill string and everyone will have on party hats even Greg and  Samuel.

 Just after the first snowfall of the year the whole family will go out and  each of us will build a snowman that represents  us.  We build them next to each other in our own version of  a family portrait.  Then afterward it will usually dissolve in a huge snowball fight and later we will all come inside and drink hot chocolate.

[i]How much do you care about hygiene? Would you eat food after it had fallen on the floor?[/i]

FIVE SECOND RULE FOR THE WIN!   I'm not fanatical about being clean but I'm not a dirty bum either.  I shower daily and brush my teeth twice a day and floss. I don't have a problem with getting dirty, but I like getting clean  after as well.

[i]What is the key to life?[/i]

Stop caring so much what other people think.   So what if people think you are nuttier than a fruitcake?   The way I see it so long as you aren't hurting anyone or anything who gives a hoot what you do. If I am hated then I am hated.  I will not change just because someone doesn't like who I am and neither should you.  Do what makes you happy.

Also, don't take life so seriously or yourself for that matter.   Sometimes your the pigeon and other times you are the statue and being able to laugh when you are the statue  not only scares the dickens out of people... but it makes life easier if you don't let the little things get to you.

[i]Have you ever been in love?[/i]

.. I'm thirteen,  Unless you count a love of explosives.   I am serious here.  Given the choice between going out with some dude or blowing stuff up, I would pick blowing stuff up hands down.  Explosives never let you down like people will.

[i]What's your biggest pet peeve? And conversely, what makes you the most content?[/i]

Bullies are my biggest pet peeve,  People that put others down and hurt others  just to make themselves feel  big. I don't like seeing people hurt or upset.

I am most content when I am at work on something.   It could be a new invention or I could simply be  taking something apart to see how it works and then trying to put it together again.  Usually I will have the music blasting to the oldie's station as I work.

Even when things don't go right I don't get stressed out, I just keep trying and I never give up.  When I do get it right and my invention works though or else I discover I've successfully put something back together.. I get this feeling of accomplishment , like I can do anything.  Not flying though.  I tried that once and failed.

[i]Describe the most nerve-wracking or frightening thing you've ever seen, done, or thought about.[/i]

 I was ten years old.  I had just gotten into bed  and pulled up the covers when I felt something move across my foot.  I'd been having these nightmares about snakes being in the bed with me the past few nights and thought that was what it was just my imagination.  I had been determined though this time not to cry out for my parents and  I told myself there was nothing there

I felt something again though on my ankle and it felt like it was crawling up my leg.   I couldn't take it anymore then and  flung back the covers to see a snake wrapped around my leg.  I tried to wish it away but it wouldn't go anywhere and just kept moving further up my leg.  It occurred to me then that I wasn't asleep but awake and the snake was real.  My screams woke up the entire family.

It turned out Greg had put it in bed with me. It had been a garter snake and completely harmless (his words, not mine)  I had put honey in his hair while he slept and covered him with shaving cream the other night and this was his way of getting me back.   He didn't know it would work so well though.  Ever since I have been terrified of snakes

[i]What do people think you are like after knowing you for five minutes? And then after five years?[/i]

After five minutes people tend to see that I am very confident and outgoing.  After five years that  my confidences borders on cockiness and that I am a  stubborn and determined  idiot  who will let and nothing will get in my way.  Also... I will go through hell for my friends but I will PUT you trough hell if you hurt them.

[i]Tell us about the highest and lowest points of your life.[/i]

...The lowest point would be when the anti guardians attacked my hometown.  Or just after it really.  I had  joined the fight against them because I  had not been able to simply stand back and let them hurt people.  We lost though.

When I came back home I saw that my house was on fire.   I was terrified that my family was still trapped inside but then I saw Greg.  It is funny how you can go from sheer terror to utter relief and then to despair within a matter of minutes

He said that him and Henry were safe but my parents were not. I had not told them that I was going to fight with  the guardians and instead left a note for them not to worry about me and that I would be OK.  I knew they would not believe me for one and if they did they would have never let me go if they had.

Of course they worried though.  I was stupid to think they wouldn't.  In fact I hadn't really been thinking about them at all but they had been thinking about me.  Hey tried to find me.  They got in the car and  came looking for me.

 In all the chaos and confusion though hey got  in an accident.  They both died.  My brother blames me for the accident and I blame myself.   If I hadn't gone off they would still be alive.

The highest point would be when I  took first place in a robot battle at the beginning of this year.  I beat out  guys twice my age who looked pissed as heck to lose to a  kid,  It was hilarious, especially since it was my first battle. I spent months working on that bot.

[i]Describe yourself in five words.[/i]

 Stubborn, Inventive,  confident, optimistic, antagonistic